Lee Edition

Get the Most from Your Fitness Routine

Are you getting the most from your fitness routine? Did you know that it is possible for you to burn calories long after your workout session is over? The science behind Orangetheory Fitness programs is all about keeping your heart rate in a targeted range, the orange zone, for optimal benefits. Staying in the orange zone has fitness fans all …

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Matters of the Heart Attack vs. Failure

We’ve all heard the dreaded names ­ heart attack and heart failure. So what sets these two frightening conditions apart? Heart Attack A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, occurs when a blood clot develops at the site of plaque in a coronary artery, suddenly cutting off most or all blood supply to that part of the heart …

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Back to School Blues

It’s that time again! School is back in session which means Summers over, great time with friends, sleeping in late, no agenda, the scheduled is filled with only fun comes to a screeching halt. Getting back on track after summer break is a challenge for both Parents and Children. #1 Emotional challenge: Having been with family or friends for a …

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Empty Nesters…Got New Grandkids? Estate Planning Tips for New Family Members.

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. This month’s article springs from my personal experience because we have a newborn and this changes everything for estate planning. Changes resulting from new family members apply to parents and grandparents alike and this article focuses on the kinds of updates that are necessary when new family members arrive on the scene. Key Estate Planning …

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. . . But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD – From Joshua 24:15

When you think about it, it’s a pretty bold statement. It is one thing for an individual to stand and say “As for me, I will serve the Lord!”    To make that statement alone requires a great deal of faith on my part, and a great deal of faithfulness on the Lord’s part. It is an even bigger thing to …

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Laser Acupuncture – Ancient Wisdom Meets High Tech

Dr. Brian Healy, AP,DOM,LMT Light is essential to all living creatures on Earth.  The energy from the sun is what powers our planet, creating our weather and directly providing vital sustenance to the simple organisms at the foundation of our biosphere (plankton, algae, and plants) and indirectly feeding all the animals higher on the food chain that depend on the …

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Waiting for a Heart Baby Addilyn’s Journey

Two days shy of 26 weeks gestation, Amy & Daniel Jodoin received devastating news during a routine visit to monitor their twin girls. During the echocardiogram, the tech noticed something wrong and asked the doctor to take a look. At that time, Amy was immediately sent to Shands at the University of Florida Labor and Delivery unit to be assessed …

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By James J. O’Mailia, M.D., Gastroenterologist I am often asked by my patients about their symptoms of Irritable bowel Syndrome, or IBS.  I have known of this affliction for nearly 40 years, since I first entered Medical School, and have seen it used to explain multiple gastrointestinal symptoms – sometimes accurately, many times inaccurately.  IBS has had various other names: …

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Proven Knee Arthritis Treatment

By Physicians Rehabilitation FDA Approved Treatment for Knee  Arthritis Offered Locally Currently, an estimated 27 million people suffer from know osteoarthritis making it one of the most common causes of disability in the U.S.  It is estimated by the year 2030, 72 million Americans will be at high risk for osteoarthritis.  Patients with chronic joint pain often think nothing can …

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What Every Woman Should Know About Breast MRI

By Ryan Polselli, M.D., Breast Imaging Radiologist Breast MRI is a specialized form of MRI specifically designed to detect breast cancer. Although there is no radiation and it does not require the firm type of compression as with mammography, it does require intravenous contrast and you must lie on your stomach in an MRI scanner for approximately 20 minutes. Breast …

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