Lee Edition

Shedding Light on National Glaucoma Awareness Month Understanding and Managing Glaucoma

Glaucoma, often referred to as the “silent thief of sight,” silently robs millions of individuals of their vision worldwide. January marks National Glaucoma Awareness Month, a crucial time to educate and raise awareness about this prevalent eye condition that affects over 70 million individuals worldwide. Glaucoma is not just one eye disease but a group of conditions that damage the …

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Navigating Weight Loss with Ozempic/Semaglutide

Navigating Weight Loss

Impact on Joint and Back Pain Treatments By Physicians Rehabilitation Weight loss and its connection to joint and back pain treatments have been areas of significant interest for those exploring the benefits of medications like Ozempic/Semaglutide. The correlation between weight reduction and pain management holds promise, but understanding their intricate relationship is crucial. Ozempic/Semaglutide, known for its effectiveness in aiding …

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10 Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before a Total Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement

If you’re considering a total knee replacement, you should know a few things first. A total knee replacement is a surgical procedure where the damaged parts of your knee are replaced with artificial components. While it is an effective way to reduce pain and improve mobility, it is a major surgery that requires careful consideration before embarking on the journey. …

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The Risks and Benefits of Oxytocin Supplements for Men and Women

By Dr. Melissa (Mel) Irvine, DNP – Clinical Sexologist Specializes in Sexual Medicine and Beauty Hugs, music, exercise. What do all three of these things share? They all release the hormone oxytocin, more commonly known as the love hormone. We’re not talking only about romantic love. Oxytocin is released when a parent looks at their child or even when you …

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Harnessing CBD’s Potential: Empowering Pain Management and Relief

Pain Management

In a world where chronic pain affects millions, the quest for effective relief remains a paramount concern. Among various remedies, cannabidiol (CBD) emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a natural alternative for those seeking respite from pain. As the conversation around CBD continues to evolve, its potential as a pain management solution gains traction, prompting a closer examination of …

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The Effectiveness of Medical Marijuana on Glaucoma

Medical Marijuana

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month, where we recognize the disease responsible for a large amount of vision loss. Glaucoma is a medical condition where the eye’s intraocular pressure (IOP) increases to dangerously high levels. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness in the United States. There are roughly 3 million Americans who suffer from …

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Diabetic patients – Don’t delay getting foot problems checked!

Diabetic patients

By Dr. Lori DeBlasi The prevalence of diabetes has significantly increased in the United States for adults 18 or older. From 2001-2021, approximately 38.4 million people have diabetes, reflecting 11.6% of the United States population. However, it is estimated that 8.7 million of these diabetics have not been diagnosed or know that they have it. It is essential to have …

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Innovative Treatment Improves Quality of Life

Innovative Treatment

LASENE REDUCES complications of Parkinson’s disease, early stages of Alzheimer’s, and brain trauma The human brain is a marvel of nature, possessing incredible abilities that continue to astound scientists and researchers. Its remarkable complexity and versatility enables us to perceive, think, reason, remember, and create. Despite the casual use of words like “awesome” and “amazing” by some, they are entirely …

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Start the New Year with a Full Body Exam

Full Body Exam

By Joseph Onorato, MD, FAAD Did you know that melanomas can proliferate very quickly? In just six weeks, they can become life-threatening. In our practice, it’s not uncommon to see patients that have melanomas on their scalp, ears, bottom of the feet and other hard to detect areas of the body. You might think that you don’t see any new …

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Great Hobbies for Retired Men

Retired Men

When you’re enjoying retirement, you have endless opportunities to try new activities, dive deeper into your interests, and embrace this exciting new chapter of your life. As you’re branching out into new hobbies, you may not know where to start. These great hobbies for retired men are popular, fun, and can provide hours of engaging entertainment. Indoor Hobbies for Retired …

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