Lee Edition

Are You Working Out in the Orange Zone?

Orangtheory is heart rate based interval training that relies heavily on the science of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. The workout combines strength and cardio training all while monitoring your heart rate so you know exactly how hard you are working each class to prevent plateaus. The future of fitness is here. Backed by the science of post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC), …

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Cart Full of Potential Breast Cancer Causes Warning!

Warning! There has been serious concern about the environmental implications of hormone disrupting chemicals called “xeno-estrogens” or IMPOSTER estrogens. translated, Xeno-estrogens are “foreign estrogens” that imitate estrogen and its effect on the body. These chemical estrogens are potent and powerful and have been found in extremely high levels in Breast Cancer tumors. What types of products contain “foreign estrogens”? • …

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Heart Rhythm Conditions

Heart rhythm conditions are often a sign of an underlying issue, and may even pose problems in themselves. So what are some of the most common heart rhythm conditions? Atrial Fibrillation Atrial fibrillation (AF) occurs when the atria, or upper chambers of the heart, begin to beat out of sync with the ventricles, or lower chambers of the heart. Characterized …

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Helping Successors in Estates

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. Hello Friends & Colleagues! This week’s topic was inspired by actual events.  A client recently asked me in an initial consultation what exactly is a successor trustee?  It reminded me that the concept of successors in estate planning is about as foreign and confusing as the other legal mumbo jumbo that goes with the territory. …

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Home Defense: Some Things to Consider

. . . But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD. From Joshua 24:15 When you think about it, it’s a pretty bold statement. It is one thing for an individual to stand and say “As for me, I will serve the Lord!”    To make that statement alone requires a great deal of faith on my …

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Vaccines and Stem Cells: Secret Weapons in the Fight Against Lung Disease

By Cameron Kennerly – Staff Writer     Once a year around the end of October, the U.S. will enter flu season, sparking millions of parents and grandparents to pull their children kicking and screaming all the way to the doctor’s office. Although any needle is an unwelcomed one, we tolerate these injections because at our hearts, we just want to …

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Neck and Shoulder Pain – A Painful, But Overlooked Combination

By Debra K. Brinker, RN Neck pain alone can be complicated, due to the multifaceted issues that stem from cervical instability. Shoulder pain can also be complicated, because the joint is so flexible, making it more prone to injuries. The duo can also be interconnected, particularly in this age where so many people sit at computers for hours each day, …

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Viscosupplementation Remarkable Results with a Simple Injection to Relieve Knee Pain

By Physicians Rehabilitation Your Knees Walking, standing and exercising put a lot of strain on our knees. For example, a person that weighs 150 lbs. walking up a flight of stairs will put approximately 500lbs of pressure on their knees with each step. Not only is the knee the most intricate of all the joints in the body, it is …

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By Joseph Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI When we hear the diagnosis “Varicose veins”, most folks dismiss it incorrectly as something that is better off left alone, uninvestigated. Many patients have been advised to leave their varicose veins alone unless they have pain or complications such as blood clots, inflammation or bleeding.  Others may present with leg swelling and pain, without …

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3D mammography Making a Difference in Breast Cancer Detection

The American Cancer Society recommends that women in their 20s and 30s to have a clinical breast exam every three years. Women aged 40 and older should have a screening mammogram and clinical breast exam every year. Knowing the guidelines is only part of the prevention of later stages breast cancer. Taking advantage of the screening technology available is vital …

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