Lee Edition

Open Enrollment for 2017 has ended. Need Health Insurance, know your options!

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 There are Special Election Periods for eligible individuals to purchase creditable health insurance coverage.  Most life change events have a maximum of 60 days to make that change. The majority of the time you’re earliest effective date is the 1st of the month following your application. Medicare and Under 65 Medical Plans …

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Swollen, achy legs? It could be your veins.

By Joseph Magnant, MD, FACS – Jean, a 45 year old cath lab scrub tech had been suffering with progressive leg swelling for at least 15 years.  Although she did have a history of varicose veins in her sister, she initially did not have any signs of varicose veins, and had been told by a number of medical professionals that …

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Is Urgent Care the answer to your medical needs?

The health care environment is changing and it is becoming more and more important for patients to understand their treatment options. It wasn’t that long ago that you had two choices when there was something wrong with your health. If it was an emergency, you headed to the ER or called an ambulance. If it wasn’t, you called your doctor …

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Shape Up for Summer with Orangetheory

If you are looking for a great way to get into shape this summer, Orangetheory Fitness is the best way to achieve your goals What is Orangetheory? Orangetheory Fitness is unique among fitness gyms in that it offers personal training in a group setting. Using interval training that focuses on cardiovascular and core strength training, Orangetheory gives you a complete …

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Alzheimer’s and Dementia—When to Seek Assistance

Forgetfulness, Agitation and frustration, social withdraw, difficulty with daily tasks, these are all symptoms of Dementia. Every 66 seconds someone develops Dementia in the U.S. Did you know that nearly 5.2 million Americans have Alzheimer’s and that number is expected to triple by 2050?  Experts estimate that the number will be close to 15 million people by mid century. Alzheimer’s is …

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Life-Threatening Sleep Apnea and the CPAP Alternative

By Dr. Rich Gilbert The word apnea literally means without breath.  During sleep, the muscles and tissues of the upper airway can collapse and narrow or totally block the opening in the throat for air.  The narrowing of the upper airway can produce sound – snoring.  However, when the upper airway becomes completely obstructed breathing stops.  This condition is called …

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Health Care Center, Doctor or ER? “Three Cs” to Consider: Condition, Convenience & Cost

By Dr. Mayrene Hernandez, Medical Director, UnitedHealthcare of South Florida If you start having chest pains or receive a head injury, you probably realize you should go to the emergency room (ER) right away. But for medical issues that are urgent but not an emergency – such as a sinus infection or an ankle injury – many people aren’t sure …

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Nutrition and Macular Health

Dr. James E. Croley III What is the Macula? The macula is the part of the retina where you fine clear vision is located. You use this portion of the retina to read, watch TV, or drive a car. It is located in the central part of your retina. All the rest of the retina only provides peripheral vision. You …

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A Healthy Lifestyle Promotes a Happy Life

March marks National Nutrition Month, an annual focus on the importance of making informed nutritional choices and developing smart eating and physically active habits. The body needs a balanced and diverse diet to absorb the necessary nutrients to function properly. A healthy and well- balanced diet helps absorb six essential nutrients: water, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals. Eating healthier …

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National Nutrition Month, Keep your Pets in Mind Too!

Since March is National Nutrition Month, what better time to think of our beloved pets and they’re nutritional needs.  It’s important to analyze what your pet’s overall health is like and how feeding them the proper foods can help to alleviate a lot of symptoms and disease. The right nutrition can enhance your pet’s health and extend the life of your …

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