Lee Edition

Women and Heart Disease

Did you know that Heart Disease is the number one killer of women, taking 1 out of 3 women’s lives each year?  With so much focus on other diseases that affect females, like breast cancer and autoimmune diseases, heart disease is often overlooked and underestimated.  One woman dies every minute of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is the narrowing of the …

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Living a Healthy Lifestyle for Longevity

By Justin Ceravolo, PharmD Adopting a healthy lifestyle, is the beginning of living a long and happy life. Incorporating daily physical activity, proper nutrition and making healthier life choices can positively impact your physical and mental health, ultimately increasing your lifespan. Vitamins and minerals are essential to promoting healthy growth and development, and ensuring normal body function. For your body to …

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Heartworm Awareness Month

We have so many responsibilities when it comes to keeping our beloved pets healthy and vibrant.  We feed them a healthy diet, make sure they get their exercise, groom them, and give them lots of hugs and kisses, but it’s important to remember that preventative medicine is critical to your furry one’s health.  For instance, none of us want to hear …

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With Inner Engineering – Reducing Stress Isn’t As Hard As You Think

Stressed out? If so, you’re not alone; the American Psychological Society reports that almost a quarter of adults in the U.S. are under extreme stress. The silver lining is that finding your way out—transmuting your stress into happiness; pain into peace—may be easier than you think. Perhaps you have explored methods to improve your health or mental clarity, or simply to …

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Head, Neck and Oral Cancers Often Found in Routine Exams

April is the national awareness month for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal (Head and Neck) Cancers. While not as common as some other types of malignancies, these cancers can often be discovered during routine screening exams by a dentist, medical doctor, dental hygienist, or even by self-exam. According to the American Cancer Society, some of the early warning signs and symptoms …

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Women, Addiction, and Ongoing Recovery

Unique Challenges of Women While addiction to alcohol and other drugs is an equal-opportunity disease, women are affected differently than men. Generally speaking, women progress faster in addiction than men, face different barriers to getting help, and recover differently. Recognizing these differences can be critical in identifying addiction and determining the most effective treatment options. Women and Addiction Historically Historically, …

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Treatment of Depression for Sufferers of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that affects movement. It develops gradually, sometimes starting with a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand. But while a tremor may be the most well-known sign of Parkinson’s disease, the disorder also commonly causes stiffness or slowing of movement. In the early stages of Parkinson’s disease, a face may …

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The Very Greatest: The Final Fight of Muhammed Ali and the Future of Stem Cell Therapy for COPD

There isn’t much debate when it comes to the legacy of Muhammed Ali. He was, as he often claimed, “the greatest” boxer of his era, winning his first Olympic Gold medal at the age of 18. And, he was a rebel too. As a civil rights vanguard, he blatantly refused the draft leading to his arrest and the stripping of …

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Is Your Referred Pain Due to Joint Instability?

By Debra K. Brinker, RN Pain radiating into your arms or legs? Why many treatments miss the mark If you have been chronically complaining about pain that radiates down your arms or legs, most likely you have received the traditional recommendations. These can include anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, physical therapy, posture corrections, and maybe even a surgical consultation. If the …

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Get Back In the Game By Reducing Stress and Enhancing Pain Management With BEMER!

By Kathleen Donohue BEMER (Bio-Electric-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation) is a CLASS I medical device with CLASS II pending.  Designed for use at home, the greatest benefits are achieved with just two (8) minute sessions per day opening up the realm of possibilities for health and wellness.  It also includes a built in sleep program which promotes redistribution of blood to the organs involved …

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