Lee Edition

Exciting News!

Medical adhesive vein closure, VenaSeal™ will be covered by insurance starting in 2018. See our team of providers at Vein Specialists to get your legs feeling and looking better today. What is VenaSeal™? VenaSeal™ is the latest minimally invasive procedure proven to safely and effectively treat venous reflux disease. At Vein Specialists, we are dedicated to improving our patients’ health. …

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Treating Anxiety Naturally

Anxiety: “A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome.” Symptoms may include shortness of breath, shallow breathing, and muscle tension. This in turn makes more shortness of breath, tiredness and low energy for doing things. It’s a viscous cycle. Leading causes of anxiety may be from a genetic predisposition or …

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Focus on Pancreatic Cancer

Located behind the stomach, the pancreas is a glandular organ about six inches long that has two major functions: to produce enzymes (digestive juices) that help in the digestion process and to produce hormones, such as insulin, that help control blood sugar levels. The pancreas has an essential role in converting the food we eat into fuel. Pancreatic cancer occurs …

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Do You Have Lingering Heel Pain? Learn how you can stop the aching and get back on you feet

Dr. Jamie E. Weaver, DPM – Foot and Ankle Surgeon One of the most common reasons that patients visit their physician is for heel pain. Our feet bear the weight of the entire body and if you are overweight, which is typical for many individuals with heel related discomfort, your feet and ankles are the most common areas injured due …

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Failed Treatment for Anxiety is a Widespread Issue

Why is it that some people see the light, while others are constantly reminded of the darkness? The intriguing anatomy and process of our brains help us to better understand the production of fear, anxiety, worry and the decision to take flight or to fight. In Paradise Lost, John Milton may have summed up this scenario very well for us when …

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Health is Not just a gift it’s about being PRESENT! Don’t get so wrapped up in the holiday season that it effects your health!

Yes, it’s that time again! The HOLIDAYS! Most people really enjoy the holiday season. But some of us are spread thinner than our budgets and stressed out with work, kids, shopping, cooking, and oh wait! No, I mean weight! Remember the 5-10 lbs. you set yourself up to shed? With so much going on, your mind is on overdrive, and you …

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It’s okay to say the “D” word – Living through Depression

By T.J. DePaola, PharmD Do you find yourself feeling sad, empty or hopeless for long periods of time, nearly every day? Have you lost interest in the things that you once loved or feel the constant need to be alone? Have you noticed a change in your diet or how well you sleep at night? If the answer is yes …

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Long Term Care Planning [A Critical Part of Your Florida Estate Plan]

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. I often advise clients that there are a few major risks to consider in your retirement years. The top of the list is rising healthcare costs, followed by the arguably lower risks of random law suits and estate tax exposure. Rising healthcare costs bear a direct relationship with long term care planning is it relates …

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Looking Better Can Change Your Mental State

In psychology, there have been numerous studies on the social and psychological effects that appearance has on many individuals. If we’re feeling insecure, social withdrawal or having difficulty looking someone in the eyes and maintaining confidence can, unfortunately, be diminished. A study called, Beauty in Mind: The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Psychological Well-Being and Distress, concluded that being confident, …

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Alleviating Nerve Pain Without Surgery or Medication

By Debra K. Brinker, RN Pinched and compressed nerves can produce burning and shooting pain that can range from mildly annoying to excruciating and completely disabling. The underlying reason that nerves become pinched or entrapped is often missed when patients are given only the limited options of prescription painkillers, nerve blocks, and surgical consultations. Treatment such as nerve blocks may …

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