Lee Edition

Investigative Medicine

Do you suffer from symptoms or conditions that doctors can’t explain? Are you tired all the time? It could be your thyroid. “I’m tired all the time, I have no motivation. I can’t concentrate. I’m cold all the time. I’m gaining weight and eating the same. I’m constipated.” These very common complaints are all symptoms of low thyroid function. There …

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Why Heart Attacks are Highest Around the Holiday Season

We all know the risk factors for Coronary Heart disorders, like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, a poor diet, diabetes, stress, and aging. But, did you know that there is a post-holiday heart attack correlation? For years medical researchers have been aware of the unfortunate uptake in coronary failure during the holidays and into the New Year. There have …

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Titling a Florida Homestead in a Living Trust [Pros and Cons]

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. One Florida legal question that is often asked, and is the subject of some debate within the Florida legal community, is whether a Homestead in Florida should be titled into a revocable living trust? Defining a Florida Resident In Florida, a homestead is generally understood as one’s personal place of residence. This means that one …

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Getting Back to Being Yourself: Regulating Your Thyroid Disorder

By Justin Ceravolo, PharmD January is a month of new beginnings, a time when many begin their New Year’s resolutions for better health and happiness. It is also Thyroid Awareness Month, which means this month is the time to ensure that your body is functioning at its best. An under-recognized problem in America, disorders associated with the thyroid gland can …

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New Year, New Weight Goals For Your Pet!

Along with the majority of the population that resolves to get fit for the New Year, this is the perfect time to get your pet’s weight in check. Whether your cat is fat, or your dog resembles a hog, even just a few extra pounds on your furry friend can wreak havoc on the heart, lungs, and joints. Sure we …

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Prevent and Overcome Chronic Sports Injuries

By Debra K. Brinker, RN It’s not unusual for clinicians to see patients for injuries that arise from overzealous exercising during this early part of the year. In preparation for healthy New Year resolutions, people spend a lot of money on gym memberships, fitness gear and new work-out equipment. Understandably! Subtle injuries can occur over weeks or months, and acute …

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The Direct Link Between Your Health & Wealth

Danielle Gates, CFP®, Financial Advisor Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the direct correlation between wealth and health. In recent years, there have been several epidemiological and sociological studies on the socioeconomic status of individuals and their overall health. Health inequalities between the upper, middle and lower class occur in countries with Universal Health Coverage, so we cannot entirely blame …

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Stem Cells Can Reverse Disease and Keep you Healthy

As we age, we are often confronted with a body that doesn’t function the way it used to, and we feel discomfort, pain, and experience illness and disease more rapidly than when we were young. Stem cells are the wave of the future with proven outcomes and results. Many individuals that suffer from the throbbing, achy joints associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia …

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2018 New Year’s Resolutions: How can getting my hearing tested make 2018 a better year for me?

By Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Services If you want to make a New Year’s resolution that will really boost your life and well-being throughout all of 2018, then get your hearing tested! “Addressing hearing loss can add to quality of life in many ways”, states Patricia Hoglund ACA, BC-HIS of Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Center.” Our lives are …

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Happy New Year! Changes are on the way…

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 For some they will be for the better and for others for the worse. Looking back at the “Obama Care” Affordable Care Act, you may have received a tax credit (within 100%-400% of the poverty level) to help with your insurance premium and reduce the cost of your healthcare. This gave …

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