Lee Edition

Top 6 Reasons to Get Your Leg Vein Evaluation and Treatment this Fall

By Joseph G. Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI There are many different presentations of leg vein problems although the most recognizable is that of varicose veins. Other signs and symptoms of venous reflux disease (also known as venous insufficiency, CVI, venous incompetence or leaky veins) include swollen, achy legs, restless legs, night time leg cramps and urination, varicose veins, skin discoloration …

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Preparing for the Storm Season: Make a Plan for Your Pet(s) Today

Predicting the path of a storm is obviously not an easy task. Last year, hurricane Irma took our side of the state by surprise at the eleventh hour and left many of us scrambling to prepare our homes, evacuate, or shelter in place. Waiting for the unknown is stressful, but along with the unsettling feelings of hurricanes and tropical storms, we …

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Learn What You Can Do to Stave Off Prevent Prostate Cancer

Ask most people what they wish for, and finding a cure for cancer is usually at the top of their list. There are innovative advancements in treatment options like immunotherapy, but until there is an actual cure, the best option is to live a healthy lifestyle, avoid chemicals and environmental toxins, and incorporate preventative supplements into your regime proactively. If …

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Epileptic Seizures: Helping Children Reduce Seizures with Cannabis

Epilepsy affects nearly 470,000 children in the US. According to the Epilepsy Foundation, “Childhood epilepsy affects nearly 300,00 American children under the age of 14. It can affect children at different ages and in different ways. Early recognition and treatment are keys to the best possible outcome. For some, it will be a temporary problem, easily controlled with medication, outgrown …

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What You Need to Know About Lower Back Pain

Courtesy of Back In Motion Sport & Spine Physical Therapy At any given time, forty percent of the world’s population experiences lower back pain. Strangely enough, the majority of back pain sufferers live in developed countries. What Causes Lower Back Pain? Most lower back pain doesn’t have a definite cause, rather it’s due to non-serious skeletal and muscle issues such …

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High Cholesterol EQUALS a Higher Risk for Diseases & Disorders

Courtesy of American House Cholesterol is a natural substance that the body produces through the liver. It’s waxy and circulates through the bloodstream, feeding the heart and brain. But when cholesterol is derived from foods like saturated fats and trans fats, the body overproduces LDL, which is the “bad” cholesterol. HDL is the “good” cholesterol our bodies crave. Without HDL, …

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Why Are So Many Adults Needing Rotator Cuff Repairs? What to Expect if your Shoulder requires treatment

Dr. Brian Wallace, DO – Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in rotator cuff injuries.  As we age, our bodies are subjected to more repercussions from normal wear and tear.  This is particularly the case with individual’s age 60 and older, but the same wear and tear is accurate for younger people that …

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Water Therapy for Back Pain

Water has some very special properties that for some people with back pain yields great results in terms relief. The beauty of being in water is that it allows you to do more than you would on land – because it reduces or eliminates constraints gravity imposes on your moving body. Water exercise is done in shallow, mid-deep and deep …

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It’s Time to Get Your Cholesterol in Check

By Justin Ceravolo, PharmD When was the last time you had your cholesterol levels checked? If the answer isn’t recently, you’re probably overdue. September is National Cholesterol Education Month, making now the perfect time to have your cholesterol tested and to learn what your cholesterol levels mean. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), more than 102 million American …

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Is Urgent Care the answer to Your Medical Needs?

If you or someone you know are experiencing burning sensations and abrasions in the eyes that limit your everyday living activities, you may have dry eyes. Or, if you already have been diagnosed with dry eyes, the “solution” provided by your physician may be offering only temporary, short-term relief. So we talked with Ophthalmologist James E. Croley III, M.D., about LipiFlow, …

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