Lee Edition

Are You Contemplating Your Senior Living Options? Community Care Options Is Here To Help

Whether it is for you or your loved one, making the decision to transition into an assisted living community, memory care facility or independent residential living community is intimidating. The choices can be overwhelming and how do you know that you’re making the right decision or choosing the best options for you or your family member? Is Senior Living Right For …

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Snoring & Sleep Apnea

By Dr. Gilbert We probably all know someone who snores. Who can forget the rumbling, tumbling, and even gasping sounds in the middle of the night?  While snoring certainly affects the sleep quality of one’s bed partner, it can also be very problematic for the snorer as well. Snoring is a sound that originates from vibrations of constricted soft tissues in …

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Alzheimer’s and the Overwhelmed Caregiver

November has two very important awareness months for seniors, one is Family Caregivers Month, and the other is Alzheimer’s Awareness. One of the greatest threats facing our population is the growing number of Alzheimer’s and dementia cases per year. In less than 30 years the number of people diagnosed with this neurodegenerative disease will have tripled. Currently, over 5 million Americans …

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It’s Healthy Skin Awareness Month – That’s one of our favorite topics at Root Causes

Our roots are in anti-aging aesthetics; so we know a thing or two about this topic. We’re excited to share some important information with you! Skin Structure and Function The skin is made up of several layers. The layer you see on the outside is essentially dead skin cells making their way off the surface and the cells below that …

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What Do Varicose Veins, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and Diabetes Mellitus Have in Common?

By Joseph G. Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI If you have been told by your doctor that your varicose veins are cosmetic or pose no immediate threat to you or that your swollen therapy until real “pain” occurred. With the modern, minimally invasive diagnostic technique of ultrasound and treatment options of endovenous ablation available for the past 18 years (since 2000) for …

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Your Heart on Sodium

Dr. Joseph Freedman MD, MBA Excessive salt is everywhere! However, the majority of our salt indulgences do not come from the salt shaker, they come from processed, packaged, and restaurant foods that many Americans are addicted to. The average healthy individual is encouraged to eat no more than 2300 mg of salt daily; and if you’ve got high blood pressure, vascular disorders …

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By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. The term “dynasty trust” sounds like something that could only be useful for aristocrats or folks with more money than they could possibly spend in a lifetime. Jeff Bezos might need a dynasty trust. Or Bill Gates. But most estate plans don’t need that sort of thing, right? Well … it’s not quite so simple. …

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What Anyone Aged 50+ Needs To Know About Lower Back Pain Or Sciatica… Even If You’ve Suffered For Weeks, Months, Or Years

By Dr. Scott Gray – Back In Motion Sport & Spine Physical Therapy At any given time, forty percent of the world’s population experiences lower back pain. Strangely enough, the majority of back pain sufferers live in developed countries. What Causes Lower Back Pain In Those Aged 50+? Most lower back pain doesn’t have a definite cause, rather it’s due …

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Managing Diabetes for a Long, Happy Life

By Justin Ceravolo, PharmD November is National Diabetes Month – a time where many different groups around the country highlight the importance of proper diabetes management. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 100 million people in the United States are living with diabetes or prediabetes. Every day, your body breaks down sugar and starches into …

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How do you FEEL in your SKIN?

An Advanced Procedure Can Change Your Life. Preparing for vacations, barbeques, family get-togethers, and beach days are not always easy for many individuals struggling with body issues. We’ve all been there, stubborn belly fat, the dreaded bra bulge, extra pounds on our thighs, and bat arms can make us feel less likely to step out with confidence. Working out, eating …

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