Lee Edition

Can the Treatment of your Veins be the Answer to your Pains?

By Joseph G. Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI Venous disease affects about 20% of the U.S. population, about 40 million adults according to Dr. Joseph Magnant, founder of Vein Specialists. He says, “Venous disease is a medical condition like hypertension and high cholesterol.” But the problem is, the majority of people suffering from venous disease don’t realize they have it. Those who …

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Corns, Callus, Warts?

By John Mina, D.P.M. These are terms that many people use to describe painful spots on their feet. But what exactly are they. Are they the same thing? Can they be removed? If so , how big of a deal is it? The first step is to figure out what, exactly is going on. In order to do that, we have …

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LOVE: Groundbreaking FDA Approved Treatment for ED

During February, love is marketed to us day and night, so what if the love we’re experiencing seems less like an intense flame and more like a smoldering wick? In relationships, sexual intimacy is a common issue that many couples suffer with, and they often do so silently, without much dialogue or solution, which can exacerbate other problems and cause a …

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Timed-Up-and-Go versus Gait Speed An Opportunity for Clinicians to Save Time on Senior Exams?

One-third of seniors age 65+ experience an accidental fall each year, and fall-related mortality is on the rise. It’s no wonder that heightened fall risk leads to fractures, fear of falling, loss of confidence, and subsequent self-restricted activities. Medicare and the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) recommend that clinicians include fall risk assessment as part of every annual geriatric wellness exam. …

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Putting Your Best Foot Forward to Improve Your Valentine’s Day Romance!

By Christopher M. Cole, L.Ped Want a better sex life? Well, start by taking a long look down… at your feet. Feet? Yes, and we are not talking about fetishes. Our feet are more important to a healthy lifestyle than most people realize; and that includes a healthy sex life. The human foot is a great barometer of our overall health …

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Overview of Irrevocable Trusts in Florida

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. Not all trusts are created equal. And no single trust can do everything. That is to say: you need to have the right trust for the job. You wouldn’t use the same trust to preserve assets for a loose-spending heir that you would use to hold a life insurance policy or qualify for long-term care assistance. …

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Fighting Illness, Anxiety and Pain with CBD Oil

There are countless ongoing peer-reviewed studies on the medical outcomes of utilizing Cannabis as a drug therapy in patients that have cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV/AIDS, cognitive damage, rheumatoid arthritis, PTSD, epilepsy, ALS, Crohn’s, Parkinson’s, Lupus, and many other disorders. CBD oil is also a viable alternative for many patients wanting the healing properties of cannabis and its potent antiviral and anti-inflammatory …

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CycleStation Offers Cutting-Edge Technology to Keep you Motivated and to Track your Progress

There’s no better way to get your adrenaline pumping than to amp the atmosphere up with LED lighting, energizing music and being surrounded by excited, stimulating people. Additionally, CycleStation in Ft Myers offers the most comprehensive technology to track your progress. It’s called Heart Zones. Heart Zones is the original heart rate training company. Pioneered by Sally Edwards since 1993, …

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Better Way to Treat PTSD Symptoms

Although it’s common for individuals to associate PTSD with military and wartime stress disorders, the National Institute of Mental Health describes PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) as the following: “PTSD is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. It is natural to feel afraid during and after a traumatic situation. Fear triggers …

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New ADA Report Names Top 3 Oral-Health Problems

By Dr. Ricardo S. Bocanegra, DDS What are the most common oral health problems Americans are facing today? The Health Policy Institute, a research division of the American Dental Association, recently released the results of a wide- ranging survey of nearly 15,000 adults across every state. Here’s what they found: For the population as a whole, the top issue — experienced …

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