Lee Edition

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

By Physicians Rehabilitation Nonsurgical Option for Musculoskeletal Injuries According to the World Health Organization (WHO), musculoskeletal injuries are the most common cause of severe long-term pain and physical disability. Soft tissue injuries including tendon and ligament trauma account for 45% of all musculoskeletal injuries in the USA. For many years, our best option for treating musculoskeletal injuries, sprains and strains …

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Psoriasis Awareness Month: Can CBD Help?

Psoriasis is a common skin disorder that affects 125 million people globally; however, what many people don’t realize is that it is an autoimmune disease. When the body’s immune system is triggered, skin cells become overactive and produce more skin than what can naturally be sloughed off, so the end result is red, irritated skin with dry patches that eventually …

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Safety Month: How to Keep the Elderly Safe in the Hot Summer Months

Pure Heart In-Home Services August is “Safety Month,” and while we take the time to consider all of the preventative ways to protect ourselves, we often overlook the adverse effects that these hot summer months have on our cardiovascular systems. This is especially true for seniors. According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), “When people are exposed to extreme heat, they …

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Coronary Artery Disease: Putting the Pieces Together

Dr. Joseph Freedman MD, MBA Feeling short of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain and tightness? Do you know the signs of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)? And if you’re experiencing them, are you taking steps to see your cardiologist to find out what’s the cause? For many people, that have CAD symptoms, they, unfortunately, ignore their signs. Ignoring heart irregularities can be …

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Spinal Muscular Atrophy & Medical Cannabis

When the spinal nerve cells that control muscle-movement are genetically affected via spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), voluntary muscle movements are limited, and as a result, a person will be confined to a wheelchair. Spinal muscular atrophy disrupts the brain and body signaling interface and eventually leads to inactivity in the muscles and causes them to shrink significantly. When children are diagnosed …

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Living With Osteoarthritis in the Summer

Arthritis can leave your joints feeling stiff and uncomfortable. As we are now in the summer season, you may have noticed that your body is feeling particularly tender. This is due to the ever-changing weather patterns in Southwest Florida and summer storms that bring higher humidity and lower barometric pressure. The rapid transition of weather causes a disparity between the …

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Ringing Ears? Finally There is Hope and Help!

Hoglund Family Hearing and Audiology Center will be offering a series of lectures from Dr. Susan DeBondt, August 12th, 13th and 14th throughout Lee County focusing on HELP and HOPE for Tinnitus Sufferers. Dr. DeBondt has dedicated her life to Tinnitus Treatment and Research, and she will give all of the latest findings on treatment procedures that have dramatically changed …

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Skin Disorders: Why Custom Compounded Medications Are the Answer

Because our skin is the largest organ throughout our bodies, taking care of it should be more of a priority than most individuals realize. Living here in the warm, humid state of Florida can cause the skin to become irritated with acne, rashes, hives, and welts. We’re also more susceptible to bug bites and sunburns all year round. There are …

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Hot Summer Temperatures: Beat the Heat with ONE HD Hydration (Hemp Infused Water)

With weather approaching the upper 90’s and on some days, triple digits, the heat can be unbearable at times and downright dangerous, this is particularly the case when we factor in high levels of humidity. Our bodies self-regulate heat by sweating and also through radiating heat back into the atmosphere. When we sweat, we perspire potassium and sodium. Both of …

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Medicaid Changes and the Affordable Care Act

By Steven J. Gibbs, Esq. In general, Medicaid is a need based program to provide aid to those with chronic medical conditions. As a bit of background, Medicaid and Pre-Medicaid planning in Florida is an important part of creating a Florida estate plan and designing a wealth transfer and preservation strategy in Florida. In the fast changing world of healthcare and …

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