Lee Edition

Can CBD Relieve Anxiety & Depression?

The intriguing anatomy and process of our brains help us to better understand the production of fear, anxiety, worry and the decision to take flight or to fight. Although medical professionals are still discovering new reasons for depression and anxiety to this day, we know that a tiny portion in the brain called the amygdala, stores emotional and threatening thoughts, …

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Arthritic Hand Conditions: What Are Your Treatment Options?

Disease states or trauma can damage the joints, bones, and soft tissue in our hands, thumb, and fingers. Arthritis of the hand is a common condition, especially in women, and it often affects the base of the thumb joint. Some of the general arthritic hand symptoms are joint pain, stiffness, warmth, immobilization, loss of range of motion, and inadequate blood …

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Flashing Lights and Odd-Ball Beeps The Tools that Help PASWFL Map and Treat Depression

By Robert W. Pollack, M.D. CEO Quantitative Electroencephalograms (QEEG’s) Help us ‘See’ Depression QEEGs have allowed us to repurpose existing neurological tests to help us better diagnose and treat major depressive, and related, disorders. Until now, we have bolstered a solid history and mental status examination with direct patient queries, objective written tests and scales. Technology and neurochemistry have given …

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A Healthier Life After Cataract Surgery – What you need to know

Farrell C. Tyson, MD, FACS Are activities you once enjoyed becoming less frequent? Have routine tasks become more challenging, such as night time driving? Are once vibrant colors and visual contrast now dull and muted? If you can relate to any of these questions, cataracts may be affecting your personal safety and quality of life. Recent studies have shown that …

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Liver Health & Functional Medicine Methods

The liver is known for its natural detoxification ability to rid the body of chemicals, toxins, and substances. It breaks down fats and produces energy, and its primary function is to filter and clean the blood from the digestive tract, which is then allocated throughout the body. Bile is also secreted from the liver and redistributed to the intestines. Many …

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Spider Veins – Cosmetic Concern or Tip of the ICEBERG. Q&A with Dr. Joseph G. Magnant

Q. What are Spider Veins? A. Spider veins are fine thread-like veins found on the skin surface, which are commonly seen anywhere in the legs. Large purple clusters of spider veins are referred to as telangiectasia. Spider veins & telangiectasia may be a sign of underlying vein disease, especially when found below the knee and around the ankle. Treatment of …

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Periodontal Disease Should Not Be Ignored! What You Should Know About Your Treatment Options

When it comes to oral hygiene and dental health, men and women aren’t quite the same. According to the American Academy of Periodontology, nearly 57% of men will develop some form of periodontal disease compared to only 38.4 % of women. However, if you have periodontal disease, it’s imperative that you get it treated to avoid losing teeth and to …

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Can Float Tanks Help The Body & Mind? Cloud9 Float Spa & Wellness Center

Relaxation and meditation practices are essential methods to tamp down elevated stress hormones. When the body and mind are under increased levels of stress hormones, it can lead to multiple health disorders. If a person is under chronic stress or long term depression and anxiety, this can exacerbate issues such as fatigue, muscle weakness, depression, anxiety, mood changes, irritability, poor …

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It’s Not Just About Survivors, It’s About the Journey: Learn how Medical Cannabis Can Help Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer statistics remain high with both invasive and noninvasive diagnosis. 1.7 million women in the world are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. While we hear fewer statistics about men, they still can and do develop breast cancer, but at a much more infrequent rate. With so much in the news at this time of year about breast cancer …

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It is hard to believe, but it was eight and a half years ago when for the last time we dedicated the entire content of one of our educational programs to reviewing the “non motor” aspects of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). So much has been learned and so much progress has been made in the treatment of some of these problems, …

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