Collier Edition

Advocating for Yourself, The Caregiver At Home

Caregiver At Home

Three Free Ways You Can Have Your Own Back as a Caregiver. By Cynthia Perthuis, CDP, CADDCT, CSA Advocating for yourself is hard. It’s likely you’ve learned to advocate for yourself at different times and in different situations. If you were passed over for a promotion perhaps you learned to fight for your career by building a stronger professional network. …

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

By Richard Capiola, MD May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about mental health and the importance of seeking help when needed. Mental health disorders are common, affecting millions of people worldwide. Depression, bipolar disorder, and borderline personality disorder are among the most prevalent mental health conditions. It’s essential to recognize the signs and symptoms of …

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Arthritis Awareness Month


Arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a term used to describe any condition that causes inflammation in the joints, which can lead to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility. May is recognized as Arthritis Awareness Month, aimed at raising awareness about this condition and its impact on people’s lives. In this article, we will …

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Do You Have Overactive Bladder? What You Should Know

Overactive Bladder

Are you constantly rushing to the bathroom, or excusing yourself from multiple situations per day to relieve your bladder? Many people start living on the sidelines of life due the inconvenience of having the urge to urinate frequently. You don’t have to continue to live this way; there are options to help you cope with and to treat your condition …

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Boost Your Immune System for Travel with IV Vitamin Therapy

IV Vitamin Therapy

As snowbirds head back north from Florida and summer travelers prepare to hit the road, it’s important to consider ways to boost your immune system before and during travel. With IV vitamin therapy, you can strengthen your body’s natural defenses and ward off illnesses that can derail your plans. IV vitamin therapy involves the delivery of vitamins, minerals, and other …

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Changes in Food Nutritional Value Over the Years

Food Nutritional

By Dr. Melissa (Mel) Irvine, DNP – Clinical Sexologist Specializes in Sexual Medicine and Beauty If there is one important thing we know about food, it’s that different foods offer different types of nutrients. Even more, various foods provide different levels of these nutrients, which is why having a balanced and varied diet is always the best choice for supplementing …

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Great Summer Cooking Begins with Proper Grill Maintenance

Great Summer Cooking

by maidpro Heavy-duty grill cleaning is a once-a-year job best done at the start of each new grilling season. For gas grills, ensure all knobs are set to off and disconnect propane. When cleaning the main grill apparatus, focus on getting the outside shiny and appealing, but don’t put too much effort into cleaning the inside; remove loose debris and ash …

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Prevention and Treatment for Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration

Dr. Katia Taba, Board-Certified Ophthalmologist and Retinal Specialist In adults over the age of 50, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of blindness. It is estimated that more than 10 million Americans have some degree of AMD, and unfortunately, there is still no cure for the disease, But there is a great treatment for some forms of the …

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Interested in Straightening Your Teeth with Clear Aligners? The Top 7 Things You Should Know About Invisalign


Straightening teeth has become a relatively standard procedure from the young and old alike for various reasons, which may include TMJ disorders, digestive conditions, periodontal disease, or for aesthetic reasons. Most people feel more confident when they have a symmetrical, bright smile, and for both children and adults, properly aligned teeth can significantly boost their self-confidence. But what about clear …

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Health Insurance Important Dates!

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 HEALTH INSURANCE is more important than ever! There is no way to determine when something will happen or when you could be diagnosed with a serious medical condition. So, saying I am healthy, so I don’t need health insurance makes no sense. Insurance is moving the financial risk from you to …

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