Collier Edition

Prostate Cancer Screening: The REAL Scoop!

By William M. Figlesthaler, M.D. – Prostate cancer screening and PSA have received a great deal of press over the past couple of years, and it is time to set the record straight. Consistent with most years, in 2011 there were 240,890 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in the United States and 33,720 U.S. men died of prostate cancer …

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Dental Prophylaxis and the Periodontal Maintenance Visit

By Juan Teodoro, D.M.D.  – Dentists refer to a dental cleaning appointment as a “dental prophylaxis”. The main purpose of this visit is prevention of dental disease and patient education. This is likely the most important and valuable dental visit a patient may ever make to the dentist. A dental prophylaxis is done on patients that display gum pockets of …

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Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle

By Myles Rubin Samotin, MD – Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon, Fellowship Trained in Foot and Ankle – To understand foot and ankle arthritis and how it affects us, we must first understand the basic anatomy of the foot and ankle.  Amazingly, the foot and ankle are comprised of 28 bones and 30 joints! However, arthritis mostly affects a few specific …

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Fat Is The New Cool!

Riverchase Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery – So what is Coolsculpting? Coolsculpting is an FDA-approved noninvasive way to treat fat. There are no incisions, anesthesia, or medications required. How does it work? There is a medical entity called popsicle panniculitis that was first described in the 1970s where little children had popsicles placed in their mouths, but because they were so …

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Not Just A Swollen Limb

By Alyssa Parker – The field of medicine is growing rapidly as new treatments come into production. One of the most common misdiagnosed conditions is chronic swelling; edema. For those of you who experience swelling, or a feeling of heaviness, aching, or painful fluid retention in a limb on a daily basis, you should not overlook these symptoms as trivial. …

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By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities – A recent study by a neurology research group confirms the value of any and all types of physical activities to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. “Washing the dishes” was right up there at the top of the list, along with cooking, cleaning, walking, aerobics, and golfing (but without a cart!). The …

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Do Sunglasses Really Protect My Eyes?

Chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight has been implicated in a number of serious ocular diseases, including growths on the conjunctiva called pinguecula and pterygia, cataracts and possibly age-related macular degeneration. Eye Protection is Key Eye protection is the cornerstone of good ocular health. Recent research has shown that the time of maximum risk for ultraviolet radiation (UVR) damage …

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COPD Patients Can Breathe Easier, Live Better with Comfort Care

By Avow Hospice, Inc. – What she remembers most vividly is the sweetness of the spring air after the damp and cold of winter – what a pleasure it was to fling open the windows and fill her lungs completely with the smell of freshness and bright new beginnings. Now taking almost any kind of breath is a struggle for …

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Prevention & Early Detection Of Stomach Cancer

By Shardul A. Nanavati, MD – At one time, stomach cancer was the most common type of cancer known in the United States. As the years progressed, the disease became less common among patients. While there are no definitive answers as to why, it’s thought to be related to the decline in salted or smoked food intake. Even with the …

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Children and Prescriptions: A Special Challenge

By John’s Pharmacy – There are often several challenges when it comes to administering medications to children. Some children may resist taking a liquid medicine due its taste, others may have difficulty swallowing pills, and many have a fear of injections. More effective than a spoonful of sugar, pediatric compounding is the art and science of preparing customized medications for …

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