Collier Edition

Importance of Proper Nutrition for Seniors

For older adults, the benefits of proper nutrition include increased mental acuteness, resistance to illness and disease, higher energy levels, faster recuperation times, and better management of chronic health problems. Healthy eating and proper nutrition does not have to be about dieting and sacrifice. Eating well as a senior is all about consuming adequate amounts of fresh and colorful foods. …

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Good Oral Health is Important to Total Health

By Dr. Dennis Lucas – Did you know that your oral health is connected to many other health conditions beyond your mouth? Your mouth is a window to your body’s overall health. Sometimes the first sign of a disease shows up in your mouth. In other cases, infections in your mouth, such as periodontal (gum) disease, can cause problems in …

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The Thirty Six Pound Head

By JoAnn Rahl, BCSI – When you think about your body, do the thoughts that come to mind inspire emotions of wonder and awe at the miracle of it all? Do you ever ask yourself, how does this organic soup of complex systems that we call a body, navigate our way on this planet we call earth? How does my …

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Xeomin Injections – The Newest Botox Alternative

By Dr. Alexandra Konowal – Xeomin (incobotulinumtoxinA) is the latest contender in a growing list of botulinum toxin type A injectables. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Xeomin in July 2011 for the treatment of severe frown lines or “11’s” between the eyes. This Botox alternative was already approved for use in adults with cervical dystonia and blepharospasm. Cervical …

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A Better Body in 20 Minutes Per Week

By Concept 10 10 – Concept 10 10 is the exercise revolution. Serious, scientifically based and only about results! The Exercise Revolution of the Century The pace of life today may be fast and hectic, but the best way to improve fitness is to take things slowly; this is the basic behind Concept 10 10, the exercise revolution of the …

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Understanding the Role of DITI in Breast Screening

By Peter Leando, PhD. DSc. DAc. Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine; Fellow, American College of Clinical Thermology – The benefits of DITI (Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging) do vary between age and risk groups. With the pre mammogram age group (under 50), the benefits of screening to detect any findings or changes that justify additional testing or closer monitoring are simple. …

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Believe It or Not, You are Not Invincible!

By George T. Leamon, CLTC – Lutgert Insurance – There are four types of People in this world. Those who have been caregivers. Those who are caregivers. Those who will need a caregiver. Those who will be a caregiver. – Roslyn Carter For most people, death is not an easy subject. It is uncomfortable thinking about no longer being alive, …

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Are You In Menopause?

There is Rarely a Benefit to Not Taking Estrogen – By Blane Crandall, M.D. – Contrary to the headlines on CNN and thee morning talk shows, we do know what causes hot flashes. There is compelling evidence that estrogen is necessary for glucose to cross the blood brain barrier. Without glucose the brain dies. A hot flash is the brain …

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Prepare Your Body for Summer

Activities with a Combination of  Stretching and Massage Therapy – By Dr. Vivian Ebert – Staying fit during the hot summer months comes with a long list of unique challenges and obstacles, but staying injury free can take even more of an effort when you introduce new, summer-specific activities like basketball, softball and golfing into your fitness routine. Now that …

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Homeopathic Remedies: Safe and Effective for Entire Family

By John’s Pharmacy – Homeopathic medicine is one of the safest approaches to self-care. For over 200 years, homeopathy has provided an effective, natural choice to treat physical and emotional conditions. Using therapeutically prepared micro doses of plant, mineral and biological sources, homeopathic preparations ensure a high standard of purity and are non-toxic. Homeopathy works with the body’s innate healing …

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