Collier Edition


By Jennifer O’Neill Imagine having a variety of unexplainable symptoms that have no apparent relation to one another. You have unwanted facial hair along your chin and jaw, while the hair on your head is thinning and falling out. You have irregular menstrual cycles, sometimes not having a cycle for months. Seemingly from out of nowhere, you face is covered …

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Importance of Proper Nutrition for Seniors

For older adults, the benefits of proper nutrition include increased mental acuteness, resistance to illness and disease, higher energy levels, faster recuperation times, and better management of chronic health problems. Healthy eating and proper nutrition does not have to be about dieting and sacrifice. Eating well as a senior is all about consuming adequate amounts of fresh and colorful foods. …

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Treat Your Heartburn Before It’s Too Late

By Shardul A. Nanavati, MD Many people suffer from heartburn, or acid reflux, but don’t considered their condition dangerous and choose not to seek proper treatment. That is, until they are diagnosed with esophageal cancer. What patients don’t realize is that chronic acid reflux can lead to a condition called Barrett’s esophagus, which puts people at high risk for esophageal …

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Computer Guided – Dental Implant Placement

By Juan Teodoro, D.M.D. Computer Guided Dental Implant Surgery actually allows the procedure to be “performed” in advance of the surgery.  Surgical simulation can be done on the computer, so the exact size and ideal location for the implant is known.  In essence, the treatment is completed on the simulator pre-surgically.  Recent computer technology breakthroughs enable a surgical guide to …

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A Closer Look at the Advantages of a Deferred Fixed Annuity

By George T. Leamon, CLTC – Lutgert Insurance – Individuals throughout the nation have billions of dollars invested in deferred annuities. And while these contracts offer countless advantages, including a guaranteed stream of income after retirement, most people simply aren’t aware of the many benefits deferred annuities have to offer. Let’s review some of the features of a fixed annuity: …

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Looking Back at Surviving Cancer

By Gary K. Wilson, Esq. It has been nine years since I received the news on a Friday afternoon that I had a large mass sitting on top of my heart and pressing against my windpipe.  At the time the doctors believed it was some type of cancer, but did not know what kind it was or the best way …

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Do You Have Sensitive Teeth?

By Dr. Marcelo W. Mattschei, DDS – Do you ever experience a pain in your teeth when eating ice cream or sipping hot coffee? Do you find that brushing or flossing occasionally makes you wince? If you answered yes to either of these questions you likely have sensitive teeth. Many Americans are walking around today, unable to enjoy a cold …

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When Medical Treatments Leave You Exhausted and in Pain, Palliative Care Can Bring Relief

Dealing with the symptoms of a painful or serious illness can be frustrating and challenging – for you and your family, too. Special care, however, is available through your doctor to make you more comfortable and less worried and anxious. It’s called palliative care; its purpose is to relieve pain and other symptoms you are experiencing and improve the quality …

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How to Enjoy Having Your Home Professionally Cleaned

Your house is a mess. You have no free time. You hate to clean. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Over 100 million people in the US and Canada feel the same way. As you plan to hire house cleaning services, here are some tips that will make your experience even better. Remember that you’re hiring human beings If …

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Estrogen Revisited… Lifelong and Fearless

By Donna Walters and Blane Crandall, MD – A great disservice is being done to women regarding hormone replace- ment therapy. Women have not been given important information necessary to make decisions about their health care. They have not been given information about the aging process and how hormone replenishment can delay the ravages of hormone loss for decades. The …

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