Charlotte Edition

Prostate Cancer: Contrary to Popular Opinion, It Can Kill You, But It Doesn’t Have To

By Dr. Eric Coronato, Board-Certified Urologist As a Physician who diagnoses, manages and treats patients with prostate cancer, there is nothing more frustrating to me when a patient comes into my office and says, “…but Doc, prostate cancer never kills anyone…” It is this unfortunate and rather cavalier notion — that prostate cancer is such a slow-growing, indolent cancer that …

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Debunking Your Diet: Coffee

National Coffee Day is coming up on Sept. 29 and enthusiasts are likely to be all a buzz. Before you pour that next cup, have you heard all the health news on your beverage of choice? Some studies give java high marks, while others recommend cutting back. With all that back-and-forth, it can be hard to track the mixed buzz …

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Cataracts: Third Leading Cause of Blindness in the United States

By Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS – Studies suggest that everyone who lives long enough will get cataracts, although there may be some reduced risk for individuals who eat properly, avoid sun exposure and do not smoke. A cataract is not a disease but an aging process similar to graying hair. As the eye ages, the normal lens inside the …

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Top 6 Reasons to Get Your Leg Vein Evaluation and Treatment this Fall

By Joseph G. Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI There are many different presentations of leg vein problems although the most recognizable is that of varicose veins. Other signs and symptoms of venous reflux disease (also known as venous insufficiency, CVI, venous incompetence or leaky veins) include swollen, achy legs, restless legs, night time leg cramps and urination, varicose veins, skin discoloration …

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Limited Liability Estate Planning or Tenants by Entirety – Which is Better?

By James W. Mallonee From time to time, I get asked about protecting assets as they move from generation to generation and how to assure certain assets remain within a family’s blood line. Under normal circumstances when an asset, whether cash or real property, transfers to a child or surviving spouse, it is subject to that individual’s discretion when it …

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Epileptic Seizures: Helping Children Reduce Seizures with Cannabis

Epilepsy affects nearly 470,000 children in the US. According to the Epilepsy Foundation, “Childhood epilepsy affects nearly 300,00 American children under the age of 14. It can affect children at different ages and in different ways. Early recognition and treatment are keys to the best possible outcome. For some, it will be a temporary problem, easily controlled with medication, outgrown …

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Celiac Disease: A Complex Autoimmune Disorder

Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disorder that can occur in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide. Two and one-half million Americans are undiagnosed and are at risk for long-term health complications. When people with celiac disease eat gluten (a protein found …

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A Change in Destiny

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church Jerry sat patiently in his shiny black Chevy Silverado in the same spot by the playground like he had done for the last four weekends. He reached over and picked up a brown paper bag, took out and slowly unwrapped his favorite mid- morning snack…a peanut butter and banana sandwich. …

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Your Mental Health: Bayfront Health Medical Group Announces a New Psychiatrist

Bayfront Health Medical Group recently welcomed a new physician to their team, Dr. Gregory Arthmann, a comprehensive Psychiatrist. Dr. Arthmann has over six years’ experience in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of adult psychiatric patients in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Dr. Arthmann treats young adults to geriatrics, and his experience includes substance abuse rehabilitation, behavioral, depressive and psychotic disorder …

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The Future of Pain Management: Stem Cells?

By Jordan Churchill, Director of Operations There has been a lot of discussion surrounding regenerative medicine and the use of stem cells for the treatment of pain. In this discussion, we are referring to autologous (or “self) stem cells, ie; those that are aspirated from stem-cell rich areas in the body, centrifuged down to separate the cells, and reintroduced to …

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