Charlotte Edition

This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of Beautiful Skin

The holidays bring joy by celebrating with family and friends, attending holiday parties, special events and gift giving, but along side of all of the “Fa La La” often comes a bit of stress, over indulgence and rushing from here to there. This fast-paced time of year can wreak havoc on our skin from dehydration, lack of sleep, poor dietary …

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During this Cold and Flu Season, Understanding Our Immune System is Important

The best place to start building your immune system is with the gut. “Prevention always trumps intervention,” says Laura Korman, DC, DACBN, and owner of Korman Relief & Wellness Center in Port Charlotte, Florida. “We don’t want to wait, hope, and cross our fingers that we don’t get the flu; we want to be proactive and build our immune systems.” …

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Helpful Tips on Personal Care Products and Your Skin

By Hedy Setyadi, MD, FAAD, Board-Certified Dermatologist We all use multiple personal care products every day, no matter what age. From soap, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, detergent, dryer sheet, to products we use for our “boo-boos”. They are a part of our daily lives and routines. There are some useful things we can do to maintain healthy skin and avoid rashes. The …

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The Kitchen Table

By Alex Anderson I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but my mom is an incredible Monopoly player. I mean she is phenomenal. And one of the things I enjoyed growing up was sitting at the kitchen table. I’m not just talking about Mom’s amazing cooking. I loved the kitchen table because that is where all the entertainment happened. When I …

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Ankle Arthritis and Your Options

By Arlo Yaege, DPM If you are like one of the many, and you suffer from arthritis of your ankle, which causes you to experience pain and discomfort on a daily basis, there are more options today to help you return to a better quality of life and activity level. Ankle pain could have easily started from a mild ankle sprain, …

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Kidney Cancer: Are you at Risk

By Andrew K. Weitzel, D.O., FACOS The kidneys are a major part of our detoxifying system. These two small bean-shaped organs clean the blood and filter waste products and toxins from the body through the urine. Kidney cancer is one of the ten most prevalent cancers. The symptoms of kidney cancer often go unnoticed or don’t begin to show until …

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Neuro Challenge Foundation for Parkinson’s Provides Educational and Support Programs

In the United States, nearly 60,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease each year. Within the next few years, that number is expected to grow significantly. A progressive neurodegenerative disorder, Parkinson’s causes debilitating brain cell death that leads to deficiencies in cognitive function, movement, and mobility. Neuro Challenge Foundation for Parkinson’s (NCF) is a local 501 c 3 non-profit organization dedicated …

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Underdiagnosed IBS

It’s More Than Just Something You Ate? By Ronald W. DeMasi, M.D. It’s not uncommon to experience occasional diarrhea or constipation, but what if your symptoms were lingering, or relatively regular occurrences? Over 20% of the population has IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but that’s not accounting for the nearly 45 million Americans that silently suffer from the symptoms of IBS. …

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What Do Varicose Veins, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and Diabetes Mellitus Have in Common?

By Joseph G. Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI If you have been told by your doctor that your varicose veins are cosmetic or pose no immediate threat to you or that your swollen therapy until real “pain” occurred. With the modern, minimally invasive diagnostic technique of ultrasound and treatment options of endovenous ablation available for the past 18 years (since 2000) for …

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How do you FEEL in your SKIN?

An Advanced Procedure Can Change Your Life. Preparing for vacations, barbeques, family get-togethers, and beach days are not always easy for many individuals struggling with body issues. We’ve all been there, stubborn belly fat, the dreaded bra bulge, extra pounds on our thighs, and bat arms can make us feel less likely to step out with confidence. Working out, eating …

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