Charlotte Edition

February is Get Moving Month

I really like the word “moving” rather than exercise (a 4 letter word in the minds of many – including me). Now more than ever before (due to COVID restrictions) you have to move and be active even it is just around your home or neighborhood. Sitting around watching depressing news that you have no control over, can affect you …

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Dos and Don’ts of Owning a Vacation Rental

Owning a Vacation Rental

Are you considering a vacation home purchase that will produce valuable rental income when you’re not using the property? If so, check out these dos and don’ts to get the most out of your financial investment. DO: Create a financial plan. This will help you predict the potential revenue and expense of owning a rental property. DO: Work with a …

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LSVT BIG Therapy For Patients With Parkinson’s Disease

By James Ferrara, Lymphedema Therapist Parkinson’s is a complex disease that progresses over the years, and to date, has no cure. It is a neurodegenerative disease that wreaks havoc on the brain, which, in turn, interferes with the body’s fine motor skills. The brain’s neurons (nerve cells) create dopamine, and the deterioration of this process is the cause of Parkinson’s …

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Hearing Health & Heart Health…. It’s a Two Way Street

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. Valentines Day and the month of February have always been linked to the heart. There is now a growing body of research and evidence that suggests that hearing loss and cardiovascular ailments are also linked. This is why everyone should think of their ears as a window to their heart. If you are experiencing hearing …

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By James W. Mallonee Placing a loved one into a Nursing or Assisted Living Facility is never an easy task. Its emotional and the person being placed into the home may feel as if you have abandoned them. Because of this, while signing the admission contracts there is a moment where you may feel as if you just want to …

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Do You Need a Calcium Score? Detecting Plaque (atherosclerosis) Can Save Your Life

Radiology Regional

In today’s advanced medical world, we have so many tests that can pinpoint exactly what’s wrong with our hearts and cardiovascular system; if only more patients would take advantage of getting screened or tested to know where their risk factors and cardiac health fall, they would give themselves a jump start on living a much healthier life with greater longevity. …

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Can Regenerative Medicine Relieve Your Shoulder Pain?

By Physicians Rehabilitation If you suffer from shoulder pain due to injury, degeneration or disease, you know that most physicians will tell you there are two options, medications such as narcotics, or steroids (which are addictive and risky), or surgery, which is often unnecessary. While surgery may be needed with severe cases, it is permanent, and it often fails to …

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When you hear the word PAIN MANAGEMENT what do you think of?


By Sheryl Hensel My first thought is……I don’t want to manage any kind of pain, I want to heal it. The National Academy of Science estimated the cost of pain was $560 billion to $635 billion per year back in 2012 which includes direct and indirect costs. Examples such as: days of work missed ($11.6 billion to $12.7 billion), hours …

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Want 20/20 Vision for 2021? Why You Shouldn’t Put off Your Eye Exam

Want 20/20 Vision for 2021

While many of us are glad to see the year 2020 be a thing of the past, is 2021 the year that you’ll finally look into correcting your vision permanently? Imagine a world without visual limitations; no more glasses fogging up, forgetting your reading glasses, dealing with scratched lenses or struggling with contacts. Quigley Eye Specialists Uses High-End Lasers Lasers …

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Goals for a healthier you in 2021

Goals for a healthier you in 2021

By Dr. Chris Mulvey, PT The Freshman 15 may be more myth than reality, but it’s an expression that has stood strong for generations. Unfortunately, 2020 introduced us to another phenomenon – the Quarantine 15… or more. We didn’t intend to gain weight, but it happened. COVID-19 forced us to spend more time at home, where we snacked, watched TV …

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