Charlotte Edition

What You Need to Know About Your IMMUNE SYSTEM


By Sheryl Hensel As long as your immune system is running smoothly, you don’t even notice it’s there or think about what it’s doing. What happens when it doesn’t work properly? Diseases like Colorectal Cancer, Endometriosis, Kidney Disease, Vision Impairments, and Brain Disorders to name a few start to set in. The role of an immune system is to protect …

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Direct Primary Care The Doctor is Always IN!

Direct Primary Care

By Michele Gero, MD Can you imagine calling your doctor and getting a same-day appointment for your urgent needs? What about sending a picture by text to your doctor, discussing diagnosis and developing a treatment plan without ever leaving your home? Can you imagine not being rushed when you see your doctor, with the ability to address multiple concerns in …

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National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month and what exactly does that mean? Well, for starters it provides an opportunity for you to assess your current nutritional intake and health. How do you care and feed/fuel your body, your amazing organic machine? Before you think about that let’s start with a basic explanation of nutrition. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines nutrition as “the …

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Colonoscopies Save Lives: Are there Viable Alternatives?

When it comes to colorectal cancer, early diagnosis is critical because colon polyps go unnoticed most of the time. Polyps are cell growths on the lining of the colon or large intestine. If you have them, it’s best to have them removed. Polyps don’t turn cancerous in every case, but your risk of developing cancer increases with the type, number and …

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Include Good Nutrition in Your Meal Planning

During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, boosting your immunity is more important than ever. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people who have a well-balanced, nutritious diet tend to be healthier and have a stronger immune system with a lower risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases. Studies have even shown that a healthy diet can reduce …

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Health Insurance What you need to know!

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366 2020 was certainly a trying year for all of us with COVID19 changing the way we live, work and even who we meet. Health Insurance is often looked at as a bill that is optional and not necessary. Really? Why would you not consider your health and life not the most …

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Lymphedema Must Not Be Ignored: Now a Mobile Treatment Service Comes to You

Lymphedema Must Not Be Ignored

By James Ferrara, Lymphedema Therapist Do You Have lymphedema? Lymphedema is a build-up of lymphatic fluid throughout the body, and it is usually a secondary issue that arises after cancer treatment or lymph node removal; it can also be a critical indicator for individuals that an illness or adverse reaction is occurring in their bodies. Lymphedema is a threatening disorder …

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Save Your Vision: Tips from Quigley Eye Specialists

Save Your Vision

Most of us don’t realize the importance of our vision until our eyesight seems to fade. It’s not uncommon for presbyopia to overtake our nearsighted vision in our forties and beyond, but more important that diminished eyesight, there are several conditions that can lead to blindness if not caught early on. These include macular degeneration and glaucoma. How can we …

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Bayfront Health Port Charlotte Offers An Effective Option to Improve Quality of Life

Bayfront Health

Giving new hope to adult patients suffering from severe aortic stenosis Bayfront Health Port Charlotte was the first hospital in Charlotte County to perform a Trans-Catheter Aortic Valve Repelacement (TAVR) procedure in the summer of 2019. Since then, more than 130 patients have benefitted from this minimally-invasive, life-saving innovation for patients with critical aortic stenosis. James (Jim) Keppel, 75-year-old Punta …

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Charlotte County a mecca for seniors, physical therapists

By Dr. Chris Mulvey, PT It’s no secret that Charlotte County’s population skews toward an older demographic. Although we won’t know data from the 2020 U.S. Census until the end of March, recent estimates determined the median age in Charlotte County was 60.2 years old – second highest in Florida. That’s why the region has so many medical facilities, 55+ …

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