Charlotte Edition

New Year’s Resolutions: Many are Wrought with Short-Lived Enthusiasm


Exclusive Shape can help you reach your goals and stay the course. Our previous article aroused the interest of many readers, who decided to checkout our wellness studio in practical action. We see customer satisfaction with the first education-related exercise session, which is always rewarding. We are always moved by the positive feedback of our customers about the effects, sensations, …

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Numerous Buyers Are Interested in Purchasing a New or Second Home in 2022

New or Second Home

With the effects of COVID-19 still pressing on our lifestyle choices and demands, many potential home buyers are no longer waiting for things to return to “normal” but rather have accepted that the new way we live is why they are looking to purchase homes now. The interest rate has been extremely low, and although researchers predict an increase, that …

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By James W. Mallonee Imagine you own a house and your friend puts it up for sale without telling you. The authorization he used was a Durable Power of Attorney naming your friend as the agent. You either voluntarily or mistakenly allowed him to take possession of it while visiting one day. A buyer comes along and says they will …

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World-class doctors, cutting-edge technology defeat cervical cancer

defeat cervical cancer

By Dr. Graciela Garton In 2021, the American Cancer Society estimated 14,480 new cases of cervical cancer, which ranked 20th among all cancer types. That was well below the estimated 284,200 newly diagnosed cases of breast cancer. Although cervical cancer is far down the list, any case above zero is one too many. January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and …

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Are You Still Having Trouble Hearing, Even with Hearing Aids?

Are You Still Having Trouble Hearing, Even with Hearing Aids?

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. Do you wear hearing aids but still struggle to hear? Are you wondering if there is anything else that could help you hear better? You might be a cochlear implant candidate. Cochlear implants have come a long way in recent years and are making a difference in many people’s lives, helping them reconnect to the …

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Pelvic Floor Disorders: Understanding Your Treatment Options

Pelvic Floor Disorders

By Ruben Guzman, M.D., FACOG The pelvic floor is the facial and muscular support system of the female pelvic organs, which includes the uterus, cervix, vagina, bladder, and rectum. Pelvic Floor Disorders, or PFD, encompass pelvic muscle and fascia weakness that develop, which then may allow any of the pelvic organs to prolapse or herniation down and through the Vagina. …

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By James W. Mallonee Is litigation involving Estate Administration worth it? The short answer is probably not. This is especially true if one of the main characters needed to prove the source of litigation is deceased. The reason for this is that the main character who can state whether they consented to certain activities involving the distribution of their estate …

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Can CBD Help with Tinnitus?

CBD Help with Tinnitus

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. Ringing in the ears is called tinnitus, which can be a challenging condition to live with as it can create incredibly uncomfortable sensations and pain known as hyperacusis in many individuals. It can also cause communication issues that can affect social and work-related problems, as well as withdrawal. If you have ringing in the ears, …

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All About RMDs

By Adam Bruno, Certified Financial Fiduciary® There really is a purpose behind required minimum distributions (RMD) of tax-advantaged retirement accounts. IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans feature tax-deferred income contributions and earnings growth throughout the lifetime of the account. There’s just one catch — when you take money out of that account, it then gets taxed at ordinary income tax rates. …

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By Tess Lambert, APRN, CMO “Time is Money.” “Convenience has value.” “Teamwork makes everything work better.” We tend to believe that these statements are true, yet we seldom think about our medical providers using these assumptions. Imagine the convenience of having your primary healthcare provider, your counselor, your massage therapist, and your psychiatric care provider in the same office working …

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