Charlotte Edition

Diagnosing Parkinson’s Disease with DaTscan


Being diagnosed with any disease can be scary, even devastating. For those who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’ Disease (PD), it can be especially difficult to come to terms with because the diagnosis is usually clinical. Until the last decade, the only diagnosis came from careful observation by a neurologist. In fact, for many that is still the only diagnosis …

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Hearing Loss in Parkinson’s Patients

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. It is well known that aging is related to hearing loss. However, Parkinson’s disease also affects the cochlea, which is the sensory organ of hearing. The important neurotransmitter dopamine, the absence of which causes Parkinson’s disease, helps to protect the cochlea from noise exposure. Inadequate dopamine can thus lead to damage to the cochlea and …

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Ingrown toenail

Ingrown toenail

An ingrown toenail is defined by a nail growing into the skin. Typically, the sides of the nail begin to curve or grown into the skin at one or both sides of the nail border. Mostly commonly seen in the big toe, but it can occur in other toes as well. Once the nail begins to dig into the skin …

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We often hear and use the word “wellness” without necessarily considering its meaning. By Ramon A. Gil, M.D., Medical Director, Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Center of SWFL Simply put: wellness is the opposite of illness. As parents, it is logical to assume that we all want our children to be healthy. We are therefore very involved in caring for their wellness. …

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Understanding head and neck cancers

neck cancers

By Dr. Alan Brown When patients receive a cancer diagnosis, they typically ask how it developed. Pinpointing a cause can be difficult. Risk factors for head and neck cancer can often be attributed to use of tobacco products and alcohol, viral infections, genetics or exposure to occupational hazards like sawdust, asbestos or radiation, among other factors. April is Head and …

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Finish What You Started with the Hodges University Wheel

Hodges University

It’s been a while since you took your last college class. You’re so close to earning your bachelor’s degree, but life got in the way and you had to put that plan on hold. You have that thought in the back of your head that someday, you’ll go back to school and finish what you started. You can join hundreds …

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Using CBD to Help Manage Anxiety


Occasional feelings of anxiety and panic are nothing to be alarmed about. Nearly everyone will experience these unwanted feelings at some time or another. However, when the frequency and intensity of your anxiety begin to interrupt your day-to-day life, it may be time to get help. While avoiding certain places and situations may be helpful, sometimes it is impossible. That’s …

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A Painful Bladder Condition

Painful Bladder Condition

What You Need to Know About Interstitial Cystitis Interstitial Cystitis (IC/BPS) is a bladder condition that often gets misdiagnosed as a urinary tract infection (UTI) in the early stages. Interstitial Cystitis lingers and unlike a UTI, there is no infection present; however, it is a very painful disorder that causes pressure, discomfort, frequency, and an urgency to urinate. IC/BPS inflames …

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Acupuncture is a Safe and Natural Way to Help You Handle Stress

Handle Stress

By Jessica Guerra, L. Ac, AP The dictionary defines stress in multiple ways, but there is only one that matters when we discuss how stress affects our physical bodies. Stress is defined as a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Stress actually does have a function in our bodies, it’s the body’s way of signaling …

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Acupuncture for Mental Health Issues


By Jessica Guerra, L. Ac, AP Acupuncture may sound like a new and radical way to combat illness, but the reality is that is has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of health issues. Acupuncture is an ancient form of healing that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. It the last few …

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