Charlotte Edition

Using CBD to Help Manage Anxiety

Using CBD

Occasional feelings of anxiety and panic are nothing to be alarmed about. Nearly everyone will experience these unwanted feelings at some time or another. However, when the frequency and intensity of your anxiety begin to interrupt your day-to-day life, it may be time to get help. While avoiding certain places and situations may be helpful, sometimes it is impossible. That’s …

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The Vital Benefits of Hydration and IV Therapy for Summer Wellness

IV Therapy

As the scorching heat of summer arrives, it becomes crucial to prioritize hydration and take necessary measures to combat dehydration. In hot weather, our bodies lose significant amounts of water through perspiration, making it essential to replenish fluids regularly. While drinking water is fundamental, sometimes it may not be enough to restore electrolyte balance and provide adequate hydration. In such …

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The Connection Between Brain Health and Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. When we think of hearing loss, we often focus solely on the ears and the impact on communication. However, emerging research has shed light on the profound connection between brain health and hearing loss. It turns out that our brains play a crucial role in processing sound and maintaining optimal hearing abilities. In this article, …

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Coping with Childhood Obesity A Parent’s Guide

Childhood Obesity

By Michelle Locke – Master Life and Mindset Coach Childhood Obesity Month serves as a reminder of the growing concern surrounding the health and well-being of our children. With the rising prevalence of childhood obesity, parents play a vital role in addressing and managing this issue. This article aims to shed light on the significance of Childhood Obesity Month and …

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Lapiplasty: A new way to fix your bunion


Bunions or hallux valgus (medical term) is a “bump” on the side of the big toe, but did you know the root cause of a bunion is located in the middle of the foot. Its causes from and unstable joint in the middle of the foot that allows your toe to become misaligned creating the visually and commonly painful “bump”. …

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Psoriasis: Do You Have Dry Patches of Irritated Skin?


Psoriasis is an outbreak that causes a “rash” on the skin, but it can also affect the nails, tendons, and joints. Some of the most common symptoms are red rashes or spots, dryness, cracking, flaking, peeling, depression, and joint pain. Depending on the severity of the disease, most people start seeing scaly skin patches on the knees, elbows, and scalp. …

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Physicians Rehabilitation

By Physicians Rehabilitation Have you seen doctor after doctor for your pain with little to no relief? Do they spend three minutes listening to your symptoms and then write you an RX for daily pain meds and only move on to the next patient? Then you look at that script and wonder, what are the side effects? Is this addictive? …

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Arthritic Knee Pain: Do You REALLY Need Surgery?

By Physicians Rehabilitation Walking, standing and exercising put a lot of strain on our knees. For example, a person that weighs 150 lbs. walking up a flight of stairs will put approximately 500 lbs. of pressure on their knees with each step. Not only is the knee one of the most intricate of all the joints in the body, but …

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The Power of Understanding Yourself and Others

Power of Understanding

By Dr. Thomas Hofmann, PhD, LCSW, LMFT Why are people the way they are? How does understanding people help you personally and professionally? Having a deeper understanding about yourself – your behavior patterns and thoughts – gives you the ability to better understand others. Ultimately, it means being more self-aware. Reaching a higher level of self-awareness is a journey you …

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Understanding the American College of Cardiology’s Guidelines on Cholesterol


By Dr. Aneley Yegezu Hundae, M.D., FACC In the United States, heart disease remains the leading cause of death, and elevated cholesterol levels are a significant risk factor. To combat this widespread health concern, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) plays a pivotal role in establishing guidelines for cholesterol management. These guidelines, based on rigorous research and expert consensus, help …

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