Charlotte Edition

Prostate Cancer: The Real Scoop

By William M. Figlesthaler, M.D. – Prostate cancer screening and PSA have received a great deal of press over the past couple of years, and it is time to set the record straight. Consistent with most years, in 2011 there were 240,890 new cases of prostate cancer diagnosed in the United States and 33,720 U.S. men died of prostate cancer …

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Holiday Travel and Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker – The holidays are right around the corner, which means many will be traveling to visit their loved ones, or for those of you who are snow birds you’re heading home to the warm weather down south. Many individuals choose air travel to reach their destination. For those who suffer from venous insufficiency or lymphedema this can …

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It’s Cool to Eliminate Stubborn Fat

By W.G. Eshbaugh, Jr., MD, FACS, Riverchase Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery – You exercise, you eat right, but some stubborn fat bulges are immune to diet and exercise. Maybe you don’t feel as confident in your own skin as your should. Show off the body you’ve always dreamed of. Riverchase Dermatology is excited to introduce the non-surgical treatment that reduces …

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Trauma Care: Every Second Counts

As a leading provider of quality healthcare, Blake Medical Center’s new $2.5 million Provisional Level II Trauma Center is equipped to provide comprehensive emergency medical services to patients suffering with traumatic injuries, a leading cause of death for both children and adults. Studies show that the sooner patients get to a designated trauma center, the better their chance for survival. …

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What… Your Best Weigh of life?

By Ms. Diana Dyer, MSN, CNM, ARNP – The holiday season is a beautiful time of giving, sharing, and spending time with friends and family. We celebrate with so many functions, places, and ultimately, with many opportunities to share food and drink. Most of us simply surrender and say that we will deal with our “diet”, our “weight problem” after …

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Minimally Invasive Treatment for Chronic Acid Reflux

By Lisa Minic – Do you suffer from chronic acid reflux, also known as GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)? Is it limiting the foods you can eat or when you can eat? Does it keep you from sleeping comfortably, or sleeping at all? Until recently, there were only two treatment options for people suffering from GERD: prescription medication or invasive surgery. …

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What will you RESOLVE to do in 2013?

By Joseph Magnant, MD, FACS – As each New Year dawns, many of us spend the weeks or months preceding the turning of the calendar contemplating potential New Year resolutions. Most resolutions can be categorized into discrete compartments. Spiritual/religious, professional development, strengthening and renewing family and other relationships, and improving our health are the top ones I generally consider. From …

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Living with Hearing Loss: Developing a Comprehensive Communication Strategy (Part 2 Continued)

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. – Last month we began our discussion of various treatment options available for those with hearing loss.  We reviewed the advances that have been made in today’s hearing aids and the benefits of many technologically-advanced features. This month I continue with a review of other treatment options, specifically, assistive listening devices and brain retraining. Communication …

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What a Pain in the Neck!

By Jaye Sadler, Physical Therapist, Progressive Physical Therapy – According to recent studies, up to 37% of all working age people will miss an average of 11 days of work related to a neck issue during their lifetime. Many (15% or more) will suffer multiple episodes of work loss due to neck issues. Neck pain is common in all types …

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By Denise DiLuv and Robert Briggs, Licensed Massage Therapists, Progressive Health Club – When we go see our doctor, the visit usually last 10 minutes or less and one of our concerns is normally addressed. Stress and pain control are one of the hottest topics and many times the treatment can be initiated with a prescription for massage therapy. THE …

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