Charlotte Edition

da Vinci© Surgery for Gallbladder Disease (Cholecystectomy)

Thanks to technological advances, doctors now have an effective alternative to traditional open and laparoscopic surgery that allows them to offer patients the best of both approaches- da Vinci Surgery. With the assistance of the da Vinci© Surgical System, surgeons can operate through tiny incisions of 1/2 cm and with greater vision, precision and control than ever before. If your …

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Fat Is The New Cool!

Riverchase Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery – So what is Coolsculpting? Coolsculpting is an FDA-approved noninvasive way to treat fat. There are no incisions, anesthesia, or medications required. How does it work? There is a medical entity called popsicle panniculitis that was first described in the 1970s where little children had popsicles placed in their mouths, but because they were so …

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Stop Overlooking Signs of Incontinence

By John W. Tillett, MD, Board Certified Urologist – Urinary incontinence is a common medical condition that affects over 40 million Americans, yet it often goes untreated or unrecognized.  The reason for this trend is multifactorial, spanning from embarrassment to speak about this topic to dealing with more acute or morbid conditions that require focused attention. Nevertheless, it is a …

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Lead a Longer, Healthier Life

You Have the Potential and Ability to Change Your Lifestyle and Habits – – Advanced Imaging of Port Charlotte – As the New Year begins, many of us will begin yet another round of healthy resolutions. Some of us will vow to exercise more, eat healthier and lose weight. As with most resolutions, the idea of getting healthier is stronger …

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The Cure for Mid-Life Crisis

By Bill Bambrick, Lexington Manor – The day starts with a cup of coffee, bowl of cereal, and some serious time in front of the mirror counting gray hairs on his balding head. He then wraps himself in misery and self pity to improve his self image with a racy new sports car. We relate to this crisis that’s glamorized …

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Lose to Win! Achieve Your Resolution This Year

By Ken Dobbs, Assistant Manager/Personal Trainer NASM-CPT, CES, PES, GFS, YES Certified It’s that time of year when you are going to start hearing the question around the office, and you’ll hear it several times. What is your New Year’s resolution for this year? Some of you will choose lose weight as your New Year’s resolution. Many of you will …

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Adjusting to Wearing Aids

Controlling Expectations and Implementing Strategies for Success By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. – There are lots of myths about hearing aids, especially about what they can and cannot do.  The truth is that hearing aids cannot restore your hearing to “normal.”  However, they can improve communication and understanding. How? By amplifying sounds so the brain can interpret them.  Modern hearing …

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Patient Care Navigator: An Empowering Resource for Patients

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was someone who could help you figure out the next steps in your health care journey? Someone who could answer your questions and help educate you on your options? At Blake Medical Center, there is such a person. Her name is Kelli Thompson Cox, and she is the Valve Institute Nurse Navigator. Patient care …

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Osteoporosis Doesn’t Discriminate

By Wayne Goffin, Progressive Physical Therapy – Acommon misconception is that osteoporosis only affects older women but it can also affect men and people younger than 60 years of age. In fact, osteoporosis can develop at any age. It is estimated that more than ten million Americans have already been diagnosed with osteoporosis, and that approximately 35 million more are …

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How to Choose A Home Care Agency

Infinity Homecare – If you or a loved one need respite care after surgery or ongoing care for chronic or terminal illness, you may be considering enlisting the help of a home health care company. Home health care and hospice aides can help patients with a variety of tasks, including everything from nutritional guidance to pain management. Choosing home care …

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