Charlotte Edition

Condition Of The Heart

By Terry Hoskins Most people who come for counseling are seeking a solution to a problem. Whether they are dealing with addiction, bitterness, depression, anger, or any other issue, the common goal is a desire to uncover the root of the problem. Understanding the root of the problem is, of course, the best way to apply an adequate solution. The …

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Stop Overlooking Signs of Incontinence

By John W. Tillett, MD, Board Certified Urologist – Urinary incontinence is a common medical condition that affects over 40 million Americans, yet it often goes untreated or unrecognized.  The reason for this trend is multifactorial, spanning from embarrassment to speak about this topic to dealing with more acute or morbid conditions that require focused attention. Nevertheless, it is a …

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Heart Disease and Women Know Your Numbers

Florida Heart Associates – This February is American Heart Month which was created to raise awareness of heart disease as the leading cause of death in both men and women. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) over 1 million Americans suffer a heart attack each year and an individual dies nearly every minute from one. Women …

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50 Shades of HORMONES

… A HEART TO HEART ABOUT YOUR HORMONES-YOUR HEALTH-YOUR CHOICES By Dr. Anne Lord-Tomas,OB/Gyn – Pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have long been a topic of discussion for both healthcare providers and female patients alike. Although the beneficial physical and psychological affects of HRT have always been clinically relevant, associated potential risks have been a concern especially …

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Minimally Invasive reatment for Chronic Acid Reflux

By Lisa Minic – Do you suffer from chronic acid reflux, also known as GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)? Is it limiting the foods you can eat or when you can eat? Does it keep you from sleeping comfortably, or sleeping at all? Until recently, there were only two treatment options for people suffering from GERD: prescription medication or invasive surgery. …

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Advanced Imaging is pleased announced the introduction of PET/CT (Positron Emission Tomography combined with Computed Tomography) imaging services to Charlotte County and surrounding areas. State-of-the-art diagnostic services are critical to effectively diagnose and treat patients with heart disease. Heart disease is still a leading cause of death for both men and women. In 2010 (most recent statistics available), 1 in …

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Cosmetic Dermatology for All Ages & Skin Types

With the beginning of each new year many people make resolutions with regards to their appearance. If looking better is something you are concerned with, cosmetic dermatology might be what you need to help you achieve desired results. What does it look like and feel like to have beautiful healthy skin on an ongoing basis? You want to have the …

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How’s Your Resolutions Going?

By Bert Shubert, Certified Personal Trainer – Happy New Year, It’s the start of a New Year and most of us made some kind of New Year’s resolution. A lot of us made promises that we would get in shape, lose a few pounds and become more active. Well, guess what? It’s been almost a month and if you’re sitting …

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To Run or Not to Run… That is the Question…

By Jaye Sadler, Progressive Physical Therapy – In recent history there has been a surge in the popularity of running throughout the US and Internationally. In 2010 there were 503,000 adults who ran in and finished a marathon. That number represents an increase of 6-10 % in the past 3 years with the average age of the marathoner being 38.8 …

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Most Fatal Falls Occur at Home

By Bill Bambrick, Lexington Manor – “I have fallen and cannot get up!” We all have heard this line over the years with a slight chuckle based on its origin back in the 80’s and 90’s. Life Alert was the commercial that made us all aware of being safe at home. Is this the best solution or does it give …

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