Charlotte Edition

Leg Cramps Can Mean Venous Disease

Venous insufficiency, or leaky veins, is often the underlying cause of many seemingly unrelated symptoms. By Joseph Magnant, MD, FACS – Clinical Case Study: “Years ago, I noticed that I was developing varicose veins in my right leg,” admits the 61 year old. “My mother had varicose veins and throughout the years, she had numerous operations to try and resolve …

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Why Isn’t My Thyroid Medication Working?

By Robert Gilliland, B.S., D.C. – Many people, especially women, continue to suffer with hypothyroid symptoms despite taking medication. Is this still happening to you despite taking thyroid hormone medication? Do you continue to struggle with your weight despite diet and exercise? Is your skin dry and itchy? Do you need to take a sweater with you when you go …

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Communication Strategies for the Hearing Aid Wearer, Part 6: Controlling the Environment to Maximize Understanding

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. – Are you passive, aggressive or assertive when it comes to managing your hearing loss? If you try to avoid situations in which you have difficulty hearing, you are passive (i.e. staying home instead of going to church). If not being able to hear makes you so angry and frustrated that you take it out …

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Dis-Connection = Dis-Ease!

As I write this, the breeze is blowing through the windows in my office, the sun is shinning, the flowers are blooming and the fragrance of new beginnings is in the air. The feeling of love permeates my being as I take it all in, feeling grateful for being truly connected. Then my mind drifts and I find myself being …

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Taming the Munchie Monster With the hCG Diet

– By Sharon C. Sullivan, New Beginnings hCG Clinics, SW Florida – Men and women constantly refer to their weight problem as an addiction to food.  Most of us have foods that are irresistible to us.  The chief culprits are primarily snack type foods, either sweet and creamy or salty and crunchy, but it really can be anything.   There are …

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What to Consider when Choosing an Assisted Living Community

Seven Things you NEED TO KNOW By Ed Hill, Lexington Manor – In a perfect world there wouldn’t be a need for doctors, hospitals or nursing homes. Unfortunately, that is not the case and there may come a time when you, or a loved one, is in need of some help from others. When it becomes questionable if you can …

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To Bridge or Not to Bridge, That is the Question!

You don’t need a three tooth solution for a single tooth problem. By Dr. Joseph Farag – There is no doubt that when a tooth is lost due to infection, decay or trauma, many factors of oral health are affected. In addition to those factors, cosmetics may also be affected if a front tooth is lost. Common causes of tooth …

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Cataracts are the third leading cause of blindness in the United States

Studies suggest that everyone who lives long enough will get cataracts, although there may be some reduced risk for individuals who eat properly, avoid sun exposure and do not smoke. A cataract is not a disease but an aging process similar to graying hair. As the eye ages, the normal lens inside the eye becomes cloudy. The lens focuses light …

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The Secret to Healing Wounds Fast

By Alyssa Parker – As we age our body’s ability to heal itself becomes less efficient. This is natural. Many people attempt to treat their own wounds with home remedies and end up with a bigger problem than what they started with. How do I heal my wound? Collagen is a key component of a healing wound. It is unique …

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Underlying Causes for Limb Swelling

By Alyssa Parker – There can be many different causes for limb swelling however two of the most common diseases for chronic limb swelling are Lymphedema and Venous insufficiency. After having a surgical procedure it may take months or years for Lymphedema to manifest because of its slow progression. It is imperative that Lymphedema is treated quickly and effectively, regardless …

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