Charlotte Edition

Relief from dry eyes Understanding Ocular Surface Disease

dry eyes

Ocular surface disease (OSD) is a common yet often misunderstood condition that can wreak havoc on your eyes, causing pain, redness, swelling of the eyelids, photophobia, blurred vision, and a perpetual sense of tiredness. Many individuals are quick to dismiss these symptoms as mere dryness and resort to artificial tears, but the truth runs deeper. OSD encompasses various underlying factors, …

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Promoting Vision Health

Promoting Vision Health

Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month in Home Healthcare Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a prevalent eye condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide, particularly as they age. In an effort to raise awareness and promote proactive eye care, the month of February has been designated as Age-Related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month. For home healthcare providers, this observance serves as a …

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Non-Surgical Innovations for Osteoarthritis and Joint Regeneration

Joint Regeneration

By Physicians Rehabilitation In recent years, the landscape of knee osteoarthritis (OA) treatment has undergone a transformative shift, steering away from traditional surgical interventions towards non-invasive alternatives that prioritize joint preservation and regeneration. Among these groundbreaking approaches, Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy and cutting-edge compounds derived from Amniotic and Wharton’s Jelly have emerged as promising solutions, offering patients renewed hope and …

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Cleerly Heart Scan Analysis

Heart Scan

For more than half a century, the cardiology field has primarily operated as “sick-care,” concentrating on addressing symptoms of heart disease rather than delving into the core issue—atherosclerosis. Remarkably, over a decade of clinical trial data has underscored the paramount importance of the type of atherosclerotic plaque buildup in understanding and managing cardiovascular health. The prevailing approach of waiting for …

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What’s Your Diet?


By Pastor Roger P. Felipe Weight-watchers. Nutrisystem. Mediterranean diet. Paleo. Living healthy has become a craze, although obesity in our country, rather legitimizes it. For many people it is about looking and feeling better, living longer, stronger and disease-free. These are all important reasons for eating clean, exercising, and learning to rest our bodies sufficiently. For Christians, however, trying to …

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The Unseen Connection: Exploring the Link Between Hearing Loss and Heart Health

Hearing Loss

By Dr. Noël Crosby, Au.D. In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, the significance of maintaining our sensory health often takes a back seat. While hearing loss is commonly associated with aging or exposure to loud environments, recent research has unveiled a surprising connection between hearing loss and heart health. This intricate relationship sheds light on the importance …

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Intranasal Esketamine (Spravato®) – A Promising Treatment Modality for Treatment-Resistant Depression

By Steven Stein, MD – Board-certified Psychiatrist Depression affects millions of people world-wide, with a significant number experiencing treatment-resistant depression (TRD) that doesn’t respond to traditional therapies. However, an exciting breakthrough treatment modality known as intranasal esketamine, marketed as Spravato®, has emerged as a promising option for patients battling TRD. This article explores the concept of treatment-resistant depression, its impact …

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By James W. Mallonee It generally takes a law suit to bring about some recognition regarding a need when it comes to planning a business operation. Consider the Limited Liability Company and its progeny which provides the average citizen the ability to own a company and have their personal property protected against losing those assets creditors. Historically, the idea of …

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Unlocking Heart Health: The Crucial Role of Coronary Artery Disease Screening

Coronary Artery Disease

By Dr. Aneley Yegezu Hundae, M.D., FACC Screening for coronary artery disease (CAD) is crucial for early detection and prevention of heart-related issues. During American Heart Awareness month, it becomes even more significant to shed light on the importance of identifying individuals who should undergo CAD screening and the methods employed in the process. Individuals with risk factors such as …

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Consider CBD For Your Heart and Your Sweetheart

Consider CBD

Love is in the air and if you are looking for a special gift for your sweetheart consider CBD. For couples it should be valentines every day, not just one day of the year. We all get so busy with work and life stresses that we do not often consider what it is doing not only to our relationships but …

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