Charlotte Edition

Benefits of Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy offers various benefits for patients who can have trouble moving or exercising because of pain. One of the greatest benefits of aquatic therapy is buoyancy. When the body is submerged in water, buoyancy assists in supporting the weight of the patient, making movement possible. Decreasing the amount of weight the joints bear reduces the force of stress the …

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Prevent Knee Replacement Surgery

By Physicians Rehabilitation The knee is notorious for pain and injury. Knee pain can occur from an injury or a condition like osteoarthritis, and can impact activities of everyday life. There are many remedies for this condition, including rest, anti-inflammatory medications and using knee braces. For individuals whose knee pain progresses or does not respond to other types of treatment, …

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New Technology Detects Lung Cancer in Early Stage

Edgardo Soto De La Rosa, M.D. Cancer of the lung and bronchus is affecting a staggering number of the population with no sign that the increase will stop – with the increased use of filtered cigarettes, radon and secondhand smoke. Physicians and scientists continue to research and develop new detection methods for lung cancer and other lung diseases, which have resulted …

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Tooth Loss is Linked to Diabetes

Dr. Alexander Gaukhman 29.1 million People living in the United States have diabetes. That’s 9.3% of the population. Approximately 1.7 million new cases are diagnosed each year—and 8.1 million people living with diabetes don’t even know they have it. Diabetes affects your body’s ability to process sugar. All food you eat is turned to sugar and used for energy. In …

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COPD Treatment Takes Center Stage

By David Ebner, Staff Writer The world will never forget the momentous day when four young men from Liverpool, England, walked onto the stage of the Ed Sullivan show in 1964. The Fab Four strolled onstage, squinting in the glare of the lights and smiling at the squealing fans, and that grainy black and white image became the music history icon …

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November is National Diabetes Month

By David Harris, BA, CPhT Type II Diabetes is on the rise in America.  Diabetes is a disease that ultimately results in hyperglycemia, or high blood sugar.  Over time your pancreas  is not able to make enough insulin to control the sugar or glucose in the blood.  It also leads to many other diseases including kidney disease, heart attacks, strokes, …

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Five Fast Facts on Pets with Diabetes  

By Dr. Ashley Ayoob Just like humans, cats and dogs can suffer from diabetes. Currently, one in every 100 – 500 pets develops this condition. And professionals within the veterinary industry expect this number to rise in coming years. So, as a pet owner, what do you need to know? 1. Prior to a diagnosis, your four-legged friend won’t act …

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This Thanksgiving, Try This

By Alex Anderson I have this incredibly wealthy friend. Well, he’s wealthy by my standards anyhow. If I had to guess, his net worth  is somewhere north of say, a hundred million dollars. He’s also very  giving. One of the kindest people you’ll every meet. And he has, at times, been very generous to me. Which, by the way, gave …

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New Advances in Compression Therapy for Limb Swelling

A common challenge faced in the medical field is finding the cause of an individual’s limb swelling. Any limb swelling may be your body’s way of letting you know there is a potential underlying condition that can cause even more damage if left untreated. When swelling in a limb becomes chronic, pinpointing the origin is vital to getting proper treatment. …

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Alzheimer’s Disease Are You at Risk?

By Advanced Imaging of Port Charlotte – Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia that can cause problems with thinking, memory, and behavior. Fifty to eighty percent of dementia cases are patients with Alzheimer’s. The disease progressively gets worse, interfering with daily tasks. The disease is fatal and there is currently not a known cure. Although Alzheimer’s mostly affects …

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