Charlotte Edition

A New Frontier: The Moon Landing & The Rise of Stem Cells for COPD Treatment

On July 20th, 1969 America did the impossible: it landed two men on the moon. To say this was an unfathomable concept for its time would be an understatement. In a time where basic computers filled entire buildings, the technology and know-how to launch a manned flight seemed decades beyond our grasp. In truth, the Apollo Program was an extraordinary …

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God’s Original Purpose for Marriage

By Alex Anderson, Senior Associate Pastor at Bayside Community Church So here is God’s original reason for marriage.  In Genesis, He said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”  Among other things, marriage creates intimacy. Intimacy is the cure for loneliness. Yep…loneliness. I once heard someone say, “I’m committed to being married, but my intimacy is conditional upon …

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By James W. Mallonee When a Last Will and Testament is prepared for someone, there usually comes a moment when that person gets home and suddenly remembers that they forgot to include a specific heir loom they wanted to devise to a family member or other individual outside the family.  Fortunately, Florida’s Probate statutes provide a mechanism to allow persons …

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A New Era in Breast Imaging

More than a decade has passed since the advent of the first digital mammograms, time enough for more than 70% of US mammographers to adopt this technology. Practitioners maintain that digital imaging makes it easier to see signs of cancer earlier. Even so, approximately 10% of women who are screened with full-field digital mammography are recalled for more tests, according …

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Therapeutic Options to Improve Blood Circulation

Blood circulation is one of the most important components of our overall health and well-being. When clinical symptoms begin to arise due to poor circulation it’s vital to seek preventative treatment options to avoid further complications.  Common signs and symptoms that occur are fluid accumulation in a limb, a feeling of heaviness or tightness, thickening of the skin, pain or redness …

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Do you suffer with Fecal Incontinence?

By Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG – As infants and toddlers, our bowel move-ment are a cause for celebration bringing great joy to parents and grandparents alike.  But as we age, these natural bodily functions become a source of embarrassment and even shame for those who suffer with fecal incontinence. According to Joseph Gauta, MD, FACOG, a board certified physician specializing …

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Weight Loss Surgery Is It for Me?

Obesity in the U.S. has reached epidemic proportions, and is now considered the number one cause of diabetes and heart disease in the nation. For many people, traditional methods like calorie restriction and exercise have failed to produce initial or sustained weight loss results. If you have failed to lose weight through other methods and are considering a more aggressive approach …

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Detecting Problems With Your Thyroid

By Advanced Imaging of Port Charlotte Would you know it if your thyroid gland slowed production of thyroid hormone? Or if it sped up? The symptoms are hard to spot. An out-of kilter thyroid gland causes a variety of puzzling symptoms and many people and doctors mistake them for signs of another disease or normal aging. More than 12 million …

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Forgetful or Feeling Fatigue? You might have Hypothyroidism

We’ve all experienced changes in our bodies from time to time that seem more of a nuisance than a medical issue. Take, for example, forgetfulness or fatigue, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, perhaps even muscle or joint pain. Too often we chalk these symptoms up to the stresses of modern life or simply getting older. And that may seem to …

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By James W. Mallonee It is well known that Florida law protects homeowners against forced sale from creditors.  This also holds true when the owner of his or her primary Florida residence dies leaving judgment holders waiting to be paid.  The protection against forced sale of a decedent’s homestead to pay creditors also passes to the heirs who inherit the homestead.  …

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