Charlotte Edition

Swollen, achy legs? It could be your veins.

By Joseph Magnant, MD, FACS – Jean, a 45 year old cath lab scrub tech had been suffering with progressive leg swelling for at least 15 years.  Although she did have a history of varicose veins in her sister, she initially did not have any signs of varicose veins, and had been told by a number of medical professionals that …

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Prostate Cancer Biomarkers New Tests to Help Guide Clinical Decisions

Marc A. Melser, MD Prostate Specific Antigen(PSA) came into use around 1990. This biomarker was a breakthrough in the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer.  Men were now diagnosed at much earlier stages of the disease and consequently prostate cancer mortality decreased compared to the pre-PSA era.  But, many men were diagnosed with cancers that will not be life-threatening.  Many of those …

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Healing in Your Own Private Room

For most people, when they’re admitted to the hospital, there is nothing more disappointing than having to share a room with another patient.  It’s awkward to share a space with a complete stranger, especially when you’re not feeling well.  For most hospitals, private rooms are only delegated for high-profile VIP patients, but at Bayfront Health Punta Gorda, all of their patients …

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Kidney Awareness Month: 10 Steps to Protect Your Kidneys

1    Drink enough water. This is the most important step in keeping kidneys strong. At a minimum, it is recommended you drink one-half ounce of water for every pound you weight, so a 200 pound man would drink 100 ounces of water every day. Drink more after strenuous exercise or if you live in a dry climate. 2    Take daily probiotics. Probiotics …

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Dr. Crosby’s Excellent Adventure

Advanced Hearing Solutions recently joined an organization called Entheos Audiology Cooperative.   Entheos Audiology Cooperative believes that Hearing is a privilege and would like to take that privilege to areas of the world that do not have it. They believe they have the opportunity to change the course of a person’s life through hearing health care.  The ability to hear can …

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7 Myths about Omega-3 Fish Oil

By BO MARTINSEN, MD Fish oil is now the most commonly used non-vitamin, non-mineral supplement in the USA, according to the National Center for Health Sta-tistics. But as omega-3 has grown in popularity, so has the misinformation and confusion about this powerful nutrient. Let’s clear up some of the most common myths about omega-3 supplements: Myth 1: Omega-3 coming from …

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Your Diet Plays a Huge Role in Your Heart Health

Most of us are aware of healthy diet options.  We’re told to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, poultry, nuts and healthy oils like olive oil. In addition to eating those healthy foods, a better understanding of a key offender that can wreak havoc on our cardiovascular systems might surprise you.  This little guilty pleasure is called—SUGAR. Why is sugar so …

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Your Happiness – What is the Cost?

Have you ever taken a moment to observe a child playing? With an empty box, or a metal pot, or some water and dirt they can create an adventure. They are naturally joyous. As we grow up, the cost of our happiness increases. We may route our happiness through earning an education, having a family, developing social relationships, or even …

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By James W. Mallonee In today’s economic environment, the need to protect your current assets as well as future assets (e.g. inheritance) is becoming more critical than ever.  This article discusses those situations where a family patriarch who is financially stable has children who are under financial distress, insolvent or in bankruptcy and lose their parents’ bequests because the parent’s …

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Vein Specialists

Joseph G. Magnant, MD, FACS, RPVI When varicose or spider veins bleed it’s time to get serious about your vein evaluation and treatment. Susan is a 68 year old woman with many years of vein problems including swollen legs and varicose/spider veins.  She had been told to wait until she had “pain” or other “problems” caused by her varicose veins.  …

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