What is a Cataract and How Is It Treated?

By Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS

What is a Cataract and How Is It Treated? A cataract is not a growth, but a gradual clouding of the normally crystal-clear lens of the eye. Cataracts distort vision because

they block the lens from being able to focus light on the retina. It’s a common vision condition that affects many people as they grow older. By age 80, more than half of all people will either have a cataract or will have undergone cataract surgery.

Because cataracts typically develop very slowly, most people don’t realize the lens in the eye is affected until their vision becomes dull or blurry. Cataracts can make it difficult to read or drive, especially at night.

When a cataract begins to affect your ability to perform day-to-day activities, treatment is required. Cataracts cannot be treated with medication, diet or eye drops. Surgery is the only option.

At Frantz EyeCare, our outstanding team of eye surgeons, combined with the latest innovations in treatment, gives patients the optimal results they deserve and the freedom to pursue hobbies, sports and everyday activities without the frustration of poor vision. Our goal is to provide the appropriate cataract treatment for each patient’s individual lifestyle. New advances in cataract surgery are giving patients the opportunity to achieve even better vision than they thought possible. With our Active Lifestyle

Lenses, you can enjoy the freedom that comes from having excellent eyesight without the need for glasses or readers, especially for activities like reading or using the computer.

When having cataract surgery, you can choose to have either traditional surgery or Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery. Traditional cataract surgery is covered by Medicare and most insurances. If you choose to have Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery, it is considered a premium refractive procedure, and we are happy to discuss out-of-pocket expenses and flexible payment plans with you.

In both traditional cataract surgery and Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgery, your cloudy lens is removed and a focusing intraocular lens (IOL) is placed inside the eye to replace the natural lens that was removed. This focusing lens can correct nearsightedness or farsightedness and may reduce your need for distance and reading glasses.

We host informative cataract seminars throughout the year. These are listed on our website at www.BetterVision.net where you can also schedule your appointment. You may also call our Naples office at 239.430.3939.

Jonathan M. Frantz, MD, FACS, is one of our country’s top 5 Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgeons and is named in The Guide to America’s Top Ophthalmologists. He and his team of doctors at Frantz EyeCare offer a broad spectrum of patient-focused comprehensive care from eye exams and eyewear to bladeless laser cataract removal, dry eye treatment, treatment of eye diseases, bladeless WaveLight LASIK laser vision correction, and facial and body rejuvenation with office locations in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Punta Gorda, Lehigh Acres, and Naples.
