By Dr. Lori DeBlasi

#1: Wear proper shoes/footwear
Make sure your shoes are properly fitted and have a high and wide toe box to accomodate the front of your foot and toes. Periodically, measure the size and width of your foot when shopping for new shoes. Use the size and width as your starting point. Every shoe brand is not the same and consistent in sozed and widths. A size 8 and one brand may be a quite different fit than a size 8 in another brand. Always shop for shoes later in the day as your feet will swell as the day goes on. If you purchase them too early in the day, they may be too tight later in the day when you are trying to wear them.

#2: Wear appropriate socks
Wearing nonslip socks can help avoid painful blisters. Also, socks made from bamboo and wool blend socks are more absorbent and are more efficient at keeping moisture away from the feet. Some socks are more cushioned, and others may provide some extra arch compression. Always wear the same type of sock you plan to wear the shoes in. This also can contribute to the proper fit.

#3: Start new workout and exercise routines GRADUALLY
Always start the time and/or distance of your workouts gradually and increase it as your stamina allows. Too much too soon can lead to overuse injuries such as stress fractures, tendon strains or sprains.

#4: Stretch!
Stretching is beneficial both before and after exercise. Stretching prior to exercise and workouts is a good habit to start. Preworkout stretching improves blood flow and allows preparation for the muscles to know that they are about to work out. Warming up the muscles and tendons also can lead to decrease in overuse injuries. Stretching after a workout, when your muscles are already warmed up, is the best opportunity to improve flexibility.

#5: Set realistic goals
Start out with small and achievable goals. This gives you your best chance of success for maintaining a long-term exercise routine. You should be able to build on your exercise plan as you achieve these goals. Success in achieving these goals will also keep you motivated to continue. You may need to adjust your goals to make them achievable.

#6: Listen to your body
When you are working out, remember harder and faster is not necessarily better. Be very mindful of your limits because you are not used to working out every day. If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop and rest before continuing. Pushing through the pain is not recommended, as this can lead to injuries. High impact exercises can sometimes lead to injuries. If your foot hurts, find a low-impact alternative, such swimming, cycling, or aqua jogging.

Disclaimer: This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Dr. Lori DeBlasi is certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery. Dr. DeBlasi works at the Estero office of Family Foot & Leg Center. She is accepting new patients.

To make an appointment call 239-430-3668 or visit www.NaplesPodiatrist.com.

Family Foot & Leg Center
21401 Corkscrew Village Lane,
Suite 4
Estero, FL 33928

(239) 430 – 3668 (FOOT)