New Year’s Resolutions, Revelations and Revolutions

By Virginia ‘Ginya’ Carnahan, APR, CPRC
Dattoli Cancer Center & Brachytherapy Research Institute

New Year’s Resolutions, Revelations and RevolutionsMy gosh!  Another year has expired.  I don’t know about you, but in my world they seem to go faster and faster each year.  It really is true – the older you are the quicker things seem to come and go.

So what are we going to do about it?  Since there is no “Time Machine” as yet, we are faced with making the most of our 24 hours a day the only way we can:  one day at a time; one hour at a time; one minute at a time.

I am making a New Year’s Resolution to take better care of myself.  I suggest you do the same.  I already eat a fairly healthy diet (but I could do better); I exercise (but I could do better); my big issue is sleeping!  I get tired but as soon as I go to bed, my mind goes into overdrive and I toss and turn thinking about what I did during the day and what is on my agenda for the next day.  Perhaps the advice for me is:  live in the moment.  (Or better, sleep in the moment.)  I am going to try to relax with some meditation or yoga before going to bed.

Because I work in a cancer center, I see daily the impact of this disease.  I don’t believe anyone has solved the cancer enigma – who gets it?  who doesn’t? what causes it?  can it be avoided?  can it really be cured?

Thousands of researchers worldwide have dedicated their lives to answering these questions and many hundreds of millions of dollars have been invested in this research.  We’ve made progress, but there are still lightyears to go.  We owe it to ourselves to apply what has been learned so far to our personal lives.

Some cancers have demonstrated a genetic link.  Unfortunately we don’t have the option of choosing our parents, so we must deal with what we’ve got.  If your family members have fought the cancer battle it just makes good sense for you to take a look at your life and try to modify those things that are known to be cancer causing.  The biggest one of these is cigarette smoking.  Why stack your odds against yourself by smoking?  Quit.  Give it up.  Leave it behind.  If you need help, seek it.  Talk to you family doctor or pharmacist about nicotine patches, etc.  Do whatever you have to do to kick that habit.  You can have no better resolution that this one.

If you are carrying extra weight, face the facts and do something about it.  It is never too late to start eating better.
Embrace vegetables and fruits – forego red meat and fried foods.  Limit your sugar intake and leave the milk products in the dairy case.
Delete processed foods and fast food. We all know what is good for us.  If you are unsure, check the internet or get a book from the library.

2016 will be a good year to learn to eat healthy!

Exercise – if you are not doing some form of regular exercise, get started.  Start slow, though.

Here are some simple things to do to get you started:

• When shopping, do not look for the closest parking spot.  Park a little way out and walk some.
If possible, carry your purchases to your car yourself.

• At work or in buildings with several floors, take the stairs – up and down.

• While watching TV, do some leg pumps or lift some small weights.  Make that time count as exercise.  (While brushing my teeth I do leg kicks – 100 in the morning and 100 in the evening.  This year I’m going to try doing squats during one of my daily tooth-brushing sequences.)
• Exercise your brain, too – play games, work crossword puzzles, read!

• On a pretty day, get out and take a walk.  Notice the world around you.  See the flowers, trees, clouds, birds, and other walkers!

If you are healthy today, you are blessed.  Pledge to maintain your good health by having an annual or bi-annual physical.  Women get screening mammograms and PAP tests.  Men be sure to get checked for prostate cancer starting at age 50 and at least every other year thereafter.  Take care of your skin by avoiding too much sunlight and applying sunscreen; get annual dental exams, as well as eyesight and hearing tests.

Let’s all try to be proactive about our health and wellbeing in 2016.   Don’t ignore unusual things such as changes in skin, increased heartburn, urinary changes, shortness of breath, etc.  See your doctor for advice and diagnosis of anything that comes up and bothers you.  The so oner you can find an answer, the sooner you can relax.  When it comes to the serious health issues such as heart disease and cancer, the earlier you find it the better are your odds of being able to treat it and perhaps cure it.   In 2016, don’t be an ostrich with your head in the ground.  Face your fears.  Do the smart thing.  Seek information and advice.

Now about that revolution:  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our earth experienced a peace revolution in 2016?  Be kind to each other.  We’re all in this together, after all.

Prostate Cancer Screening
January 23, 2016

North Sarasota Library, 2801 Newtown Blvd.
10:00 until 2:00 pm

Consists of PSA blood test and physician exam.
No fasting required – no appointments
For info prior to event, call 941-365-5599

A joint outreach of the Dattoli Cancer Foundation and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Alumni