Whole-istic Therapy Pain Management vs. Permanent Pain Relief

By R. Toddy Jadoo, LMT, B.S. –

Billions of dollars are spent every year in the pursuit of a remedy for pain. Yet we have not found that one elusive “thing” that will get rid of our pain instantly! Or have we?

Massage therapy is a fairly new practice to the USA (less than 100 years) and finds its origins from other cultures. It has been a part of many cultures, including China and India, for thousands of years. It is considered an essential part of life in these cultures and when these ethnic groups migrate to other countries they bring their customs with them, including massage.

Dr. Tiffany Fields is one of the leading researchers on the effects of massage therapy. She first started her research on the effects of massage on premature babies and today has broadened her scope of research to include the effects of massage on other symptoms.

Recent research has shown that massage therapy is a viable modality for pain management. Many consumers therefore, seek out massage therapists with that in mind. What they discover though, is that although the therapist may advertise pain relief, they really get temporary relief and an invitation to come back again and again! More often than not, they will walk out still having pain. Why? Is there a solution? Yes!

Simple Solutions for Pain Free Living
JADÚ®! A revolutionary, non-invasive, medical massage protocol that relieves pain quickly with long term results. JADÚ® is a 3-step process. Assess! Treat! Educate! Simple solutions for Pain free living! Both the therapist and the client must take a WHOLE-ISTIC view when treating symptoms. JADÚ® does exactly that!

JADU’s® treatment plan primarily looks at movement and rhythms and their effects on the physical and chemical processes of the body. How does it differ from other modalities? Well, firstly, it’s not a modality but a protocol: A plan for a course of medical treatment (www.dictionary.com): i.e. PERMANENT PAIN RELIEF!

The therapist collects information from the client using a comprehensive, proprietary assessment process. This process combines written, visual and verbal data. Using this data, a treatment plan is formulated and recommendations made that will initiate the process leading to the goal of permanent pain relief!

How Does JADU® Work?
The JADU® protocol includes before and after photos, an in-office movement training session (to initiate corrective structural changes), skilled, manual therapy and at-home instructions to continue the benefits already started in the first session.

The first session, in the majority of cases, will eliminate pain immediately and generally after the second session the client will be able to decide when and how often they want to come back. Results are immediate and long lasting.

The second session is set for a week from the first and is customized based on the results of the previous treatment. Follow-up treatments are handled the same way with a mini-consultation before manual therapy to recalibrate the treatment protocol. No two treatments are the same! Ever! Each session the client will receive more JADU® at-home movement exercises designed to correct structural misalignments, increase flexibility and realign muscle attachments to keep the pain away!

Identifying the Root Cause of Pain
JADÚ’s® proprietary assessment tools are designed to identify the root cause of pain, whether your pain level is 1 or a 10. It can work for most anyone including “the average Joe,” the professional athlete or from Actor to Zookeeper. Even if a person has a debilitating diagnosis such as MS or Parkinson’s or is disabled, they can still “see” results from JADÚ®. In these instances, JADÚ® will retard the progress of the symptoms.

Do you really care if a therapist is certified in 15 different modalities or do you care that the therapist can get rid of your pain fast and permanently?

R. Toddy Jadoo, LMT, B.S., is the creator and developer of the JADU® protocol for pain elimination. Her practice is located at 2831 Ringling Blvd, Suite 213D, Sarasota, FL 34237. She can be reached by phone at 941-592-1078 or emailed at theucentre@gmail.com.

Copyright 2013 R. Toddy Jadoo. All rights reserved.