Make wise decisions and stop oxidative stress.

LIVE HEALTHYThe health situation of society is deteriorating year by year. Most people lead a sedentary lifestyle. Technology has helped to make us more sedentary and able to avoid physical work. Our diet has changed as well, and not for the better. People are eating an abundance of processed foods while neglecting whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. When you combine lack of activity with highly processed foods it is not a wonder that obesity and diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, inflammation, (Parkinson, Alzheimer), atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, hypertension, allergies, and cancer are at all-time highs.

The source of these problems is the acidification of the body known as oxidative stress.
Briefly, oxidative stress occurs when the body has an insufficient advantage of antioxidants over oxidants. The metabolic processes taking place in our body cause the formation of free radicals.

Oxidative stress affects not only the appearance of our skin, but also health. Free radicals weaken collagen fibers, the building material of the skin, which in turn leads to faster formation of wrinkles, cellulite and slower healing of wounds.

One of the causes of disease, apart from acidification, is dehydration! When we do not drink enough clean water, our cells age very quickly and we are susceptible to various diseases. One way to offset this is to drink alkalized water. The advantages of drinking alkaline ionized water are that it contains antioxidants, i.e., hydrogen and oxygen electrons. Antioxidants help to eliminate free radicals from the body.

We provide active ionized water to clients who exercise in our Wellness Studio at each session. The high level of Ph of this water increases the alkalinity and reduces the acidity of the body. However, the most important factor is the energy factor, i.e. ORP, reaching -900 mV. The huge number of electrons improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system. Due to the fine structure of ionized water, blood flow is improved and oxygen transport to cells is increased.

For obese and older people who should increase their physical activity, we recommend stimulating the muscles and the lymphatic system on a rolling machine (“Body Roll Massage”). We do not have to run or exercise, the machine stimulates our body by itself and helps remove toxins, excess body fat and cellulite. We also recommend a walk in a vacuum chamber with the use of infrared lamps and collagen lamps. One of the benefits of this approach is these type of activates are non-impact, meaning there is less stress on the bones and joints.

When you have a little inspiration and motivation it is easy to get healthy. If you add in a little self-discipline, you are well on your way improving your health, appearance and well-being.

Exclusive Shape Wellness Studio has the latest slimming devices. You can sign up for 5, 10, 15 sessions and take up the challenge on the way to a healthy life. We encourage existing SPA salons and chiropractic clinics to use our devices as an additional element of biological regeneration. It’s best to check it out for yourself by ordering the first educational session for free. call 941-960-9108 or visit: www.exclusiveshape.com.

Feel free to ask questions directly by
phone 941-960-9108 or via the website

Ionized Water