By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities –

Arlington NaplesWhat is the one thing in your life that you would like to change? Or, let me say it a better way – what is the one thing in your life that you are able to change? That prevents us from focusing on things that we are unable to do anything about, like being younger (or older!), or being 7 feet tall, or being able to play shortstop for the Chicago Cubs (although they might be interested!).

Intentional living is being able to develop positive habits that will enhance and enrich our lives each day. Research shows that doing an activity for 28 days in a row will make it become a habit. So, what are we waiting for?

Think of something that comes to mind that brings about those familiar feelings of disappointment and despair? How did we get there? Probably because we continued to make one bad choice at a time. How do make the change? One positive choice at a time!

As we think about making this one change, we also need to take advantage of the supportive people around us. Decide what you want to change, and then tell someone about it. This can be the tough part because then we become accountable to someone else for our actions. I recall times when I have prayed to the Lord and shared things I wanted to change but it was an “easy way out”, because I knew He wasn’t going to tell anyone else about it!

Each small step we take will move us closer to feeling better about ourselves and also will help to improve our relationships with others.

Here are some changes people I know have decided to make:
1. Getting more sleep at night in order to feel better the next day reading more.
2. Watching TV less.
3. Doing “less barking” and more “wagging our tails”.
4. Making direct daily contact with old friends through phone calls, texting, and e-mails.
5. Being intentional as to where they plan to live five years from now.

The One Thing I would encourage you to do today is to start thinking of the One Thing you can and do want to change in your life, and start doing it! No need to make another excuse. Do it – Now!

The joy in all of this is that we know that even when we do not do what we should or need to do, even when we mess up on our plans and fail to take advantage of all of the gifts and blessings the Lord has given to us, that we are still forgiven and loved by our Lord! It is not that we “have to” do this to please Him, but that we “get to“ do this, because He loves and forgives us! That is the One Thing to keep in mind through this scintillating exercise!

And while I am at it, the One Thing I need to encourage you to do is to check out the Arlington of Naples, our new faith-based retirement project being developed in Lely Resort. This new community just might be the place for you in the years ahead! Go ahead, at least put it on your list of things to do!

Happy Habit making, in the Lord!

About the Author
Dr. Rich Bimler, Bloomingdale, Illinois, has served the Church in various positions throughout his   49   year ministry  career. He repositioned in 2006 after serving for 15 years as  President/CEO of Wheat Ridge Ministries. He serves as the  Ambassador of  Health, Hope, and Aging (AH-HA!) for Lutheran Life Communities, Arlington Heights, Illinois.  He  continues to write, speak, and consult with other agencies and organizations throughout the world.

The Arlington

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