The AuVan Clinic – What Makes Us Different?

AVUANWeight loss starts in the mind. Most adults can tell you HOW to lose weight. Take in less calories, exercise to burn more calories. Weight loss is a simple concept, but a deeper issue. Shedding pounds doesn’t just make you look better. Shedding pounds makes you FEEL better. But until your MIND is ready to accept that the goal of weight loss is your whole body FEELING better and LOOKING better, you will make no progress.

At the AuVan Clinic we begin at the cellular level to assess any underlying health conditions that may be hindering your weight loss, causing you fatigue that decreases your desire to exercise or preventing your body from functioning efficiently.

Our medically supervised concierge weight loss program makes the AuVan Clinic an exclusive source for accountability and success. We focus on changing the way you look at food. We offer counseling, a partnership, education and retraining the mind. Some clients need to change the environment where they consume food, some need meal plan ideas, some need health coaching, work out instructions or more interactions with the provider. At the AuVan Clinic, we tailor your weight loss program to help you reach your goals.

In our busy lives, it’s easy to choose what’s fast or easy over what is healthy. When you have good food options in your pantry, freezer, and refrigerator you can easily pull together meals and snacks to keep you and your family on track. The AuVan Clinic offers a customizable shopping tool to help you plan, purchase and prepare meals. A meal plan centered around nutritional patterning is then created with your input. It is individually tailored to increase energy and improve wellness. Additionally, we can help you organize your kitchen which may just help you organize the rest of your life.

Health and Wellness Magazine sat down with Aubrey Fulton, APRN to find out how the AuVan Clinic’s approach to weight loss is different from other programs. Below are highlights from the interview.

Health & Wellness: “How would you define a concierge weight loss program?”

AuVan Clinic: A concierge weight loss program is a retainer program where the client pays a retainer fee. The client has personal access to the provider for personal support, to ask questions, change and modify goals, meals, exercise program and medication etc. A program that is not concierge requires clients to make or schedule appointments, your desired time may not be available, but the concierge client is not subjected to this inconvenience.

Health and Wellness: “What sets you apart from other types of weight loss programs?”

AuVan Clinic: Most importantly is the availability of our provider, this is key because you may not be able to wait for an appointment and thus, availability is an asset. This is convenience. Other programs usually require appointments and wait times etc. and usually when you get in you are a number and is given 5 minutes, very little can be done within such timeframe. In this concierge program you are not a number, a client, a patient, but a partner. Our program provides a personalize plan of care due to it being concierge, every plan of care is tailored not from a bank. In this program we partner with you, meaning you assist in your goals, plans etc. AuVan focuses on a mindset change, accountability, and commitment. Most program provides you with medication only, while we provide holistic care. Instead of us looking at just your weight and treat this separately, we focus on what may be contributing to the weight gain and treat that issue.

Health and Wellness: “Can you help our whole family become healthier?”

AuVan Clinic: Yes, that is the mindset and environment change. Weight gain is usually not unique to just an individual, your mindset changes and attitude most often will influence family members to adopt your lifestyle, thus overall, the shift. For example, the parent’s choices will provide for the children, thus breaking the cycle.

Health & Wellness: “What about when I travel or eat at a restaurant? How will I know what the best option for me is?”

AuVan Clinic: It is not an issue, that is the reason we do not promote shakes and fad diets because that is not realistic, secondly it is not sustainable. We promote a mindset change that prepares you to fit into the regular environment/world that does not compromise of shakes and fad diets. Almost every restaurant inclusive of fast-food chains have healthy choices, but attitude and mindset if unhealthy will lead to ignore these, but once educated, eating out is not an issue.

Health & Wellness: “What if I cheat? or have a bad day and fall off the wagon?”

AuVan Clinic: It happens, and for that reason accountability is a part of the program. If you cheat, it is your responsibility to admit the error and make the relevant changes. Having a bad day is normal, no one is perfect, and a bad day does not mean failure. A bad day must be seen as a learning experience, experience brings forth wisdom.

Health & Wellness: “Can I drink alcohol while trying to lose weight?

AuVan Clinic: Yes, you can, the offence is not the alcohol, the offence is ignorance to the content and type of alcohol. Each brand and content are different, some may contain more carbs, sugar, and excessive calories etc. While enrolled with our weight loss program, this is an easy question to text or ask our provider at the appropriate time, while on other programs this is usually not possible.

Aubrey Fulton APRN
Aubrey is a graduate with honors from South University, fully licensed, autonomous board-certified Nurse Practitioner, who brings to the community, his wealth of knowledge. With over 21 years of nursing experience, he provides a unique clinical experience, enhanced by his diverse background in nursing.  He is committed to act as a patient advocate, and practice medicine with a holistic approach.

Aubrey has served in the community as a nurse educator and was recognized as Nurse Mentor of the Year by NCH Healthcare System in 2015.  Aubrey has been successful in creating a personalized, concierge weight loss and management program which aims at not only weight loss, but a total body health and wellness.

AuVan Clinic
4270 Tamiami Trail East, STE 201
Naples, FL, 34112, US



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