Telehealth Physical Therapy at Kriz Physical Therapy

By Michael E. Kriz, PT, DPT, OCS, CFMT

Telehealth Physical Therapy at Kriz Physical TherapyTo start this article on the right note I will begin with a quick riddle perfect for this time. Where did the Terminator find toilet paper?

Aisle B Back.

How about another:
I’m making a documentary about how to fly a plane…

Today we are filming the pilot.

Seriously, and we have all been very serious now for what seems like ever, this virus has changed so many things in our society.

We have decided to add telehealth to our services for a variety of reasons. You’re bound to the house by a virus but you don’t have to delay your treatment.

One major shift in healthcare taking place as a result of the virus is ushering in the age of telehealth in many facets of healthcare including physical therapy. The fallout from the impact of the virus has simply moved the medical world towards a telehealth model much faster than the medical world was planning. Many physicians and some physical therapists have been practicing telehealth in some shape or form prior to this point, but the percentage of those employing it is very small relative to the general medical population.

Yes, physical therapy done virtually is different from the traditional model but so much can be accomplished through it. Physical therapists have always used our highly trained senses of vision and hearing to assist us in determining the cause and effects of the symptoms presented by our clients. In the virtual realm, the power of touch is the only inaccessible sense. Granted, it is a very powerful and useful component in the practice of physical therapy, but plenty can be accomplished without it. We can discuss the history of your condition that provides insight into the nature of the condition that we will be treating.

We can servations of both static posture and dynamic posture providing further clues. Telehealth provides the added benefit of being able to see clients in their environment allowing us to see what habitual postures and movement patterns are adopted or made in the home or work setting. This is not possible during an in person visit and provides valuable information that can help us to see the entire picture of potential contributors to someone’s pain and dysfunctions. Cell phones make the Telehealth concept even more flexible than a desktop or laptop so that observing someone outside of the home performing tasks is easy as well.

Outside of the coronavirus epidemic Telehealth is a great option for those who find it difficult to leave the home either because of pure physical inability or transportation issues. Those busy in the workplace can also benefit from Telehealth because a secondary trip to the PT office is not always possible in a day packed with obligations.

Contact Kriz Physical Therapy Today!

27180 Bay Landing Drive, Ste. 7
Bonita Springs, FL 34135
(239) 992-6700