Spectacle Free Vision

With Advanced Cataract Surgery

By: Alina Stanciu, MD, Board Certified Eye Physician & Surgeon –

Spectacle Free Vision If you have been told that you have a cataract, there is no need to be overly concerned as you are not alone. Each year in the United States, more than 2.5 million people have cataract surgery. Thanks to advances in surgical procedures and technology, cataract surgery is not only one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in the United States, but it is also one of the safest and most successful surgical procedures that you can have. It is important to understand your options when planning cataract surgery.

Presbyopia which literally means “old eyes” is a normal and expected consequence of the aging process. The crystalline lens within your eyes is soft and flexible when you are younger. As you approach your 40’s presbyopia occurs as the composition of the crystalline lens changes, making it harder and less flexible. People experiencing the start of presbyopia often notice that their “arms are too short” to read and they have to hold close things further away to see them clearly. Presbyopia effects everyone including those who have cataracts. When presbyopia begins, people who already wear glasses may need bifocals or progressives, and those who have never worn glasses may require reading glasses.

The natural crystalline lens of the eye is mostly made of water and protein. As a person ages some of the protein will clump together, causing the eye’s natural lens to become discolored and clouded. This clouding of the natural lens is called a cataract. If you are experiencing halos around lights, glare when driving or playing tennis or golf, difficulty reading in dim light and the need to frequently change your eyeglass prescription you probably have a cataract.

The only treatment for a cataract is removal of the effected natural lens of the eye and replacement with an intraocular lens (IOL). The procedure is done on an outpatient basis with local anesthesia at our state of the art facility. Although each patient heals a slight bit differently, most patients see well enough to return to their routine activities within a day or so after surgery.

“Doctor Stanciu saved my eyesight by demonstrating her reputation as an eye specialist and surgeon. She diagnosed my cataract then performed a near miracle operation that restored my sight. I was impressed with her care, compassion and her surgical skills.”
Source: Vitals.Com

In the past, the only lens option available for cataract surgery was a monofocal lens implant that provides excellent vision after cataract surgery-but only at one set distance- usually for seeing at a distance. But with a monofocal lens implant you will most likely need to wear glasses for any type of near vision activity.

Now, advanced multifocal lens implant options are available that provide a wide range of vision correction. Multifocal lens implants are designed to provide someone who has a desire for greater independence from glasses or contact lenses with multifunctional vision. They work on the same principle as progressive eyeglass lenses and multifocal contact lenses providing different lens powers to improve vision at all distances. Multifocal lens implants correct both your distance vision and your presbyopia after cataract surgery. For the vast majority of patients, having a multifocal lens implant means that you will be able to see at a distance and close up without being dependent on glasses. So, patients choosing to have a multifocal lens implant will likely find that they can drive, watch television, read or do crafts-without the need for glasses.

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks as well as benefits. Many cataract surgeons indicate that an extreme perfectionist is the very worst kind of candidate for a multifocal or presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens of any kind. While these lenses are high tech marvels, they are unlikely to produce absolutely crisp vision at multiple distances at all times and in all circumstances. Particularly with multifocal lens implants, you must be prepared for the possibility of at least some visual distortions – particularly in the form of glare and halos around light sources at night.

Good candidates for multifocal lens implants generally are easy-going, realistic in their expectations and willing to accept a few tradeoffs, such as some visual distortions, in exchange for reduced dependency on eyeglasses or the possibility of eliminating them all together.

Since not everyone is a candidate for a multifocal lens a thorough evaluation is required to assess if this is the right option for you. Advanced Eye Care & Laser Center offers the newest technology available for this cutting edge procedure. Alina Stanciu, MD board certified Ophthalmologist, will discuss with you which lens will be best suited for your typical daily activities at an individual consultation. Dr. Stanciu is a member of the American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery and has performed thousands of advanced cataract surgeries with excellent results.

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FREE CONSULTATION & ask about current specials on Multifocal Lens Implants.

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