Go Red for Heart Health this February 

Go Red for Heart Health this FebruaryThe Southwest Florida Division of American Heart Association encourages individuals, businesses and organizations to “Go Red” for Heart Month this February by participating in National Wear Red Day, Friday, February 5, 2016.

In 2003, the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute took actions which eventually resulted in the development of National Wear Red Day, annually held the first Friday in February, and the Heart Association’s Go Red for Women® campaign, a movement designed to educate women about their risk for
cardiovascular disease.

While all of February is National Heart Month, Friday, February 5 is National Wear Red Day, designed to bring attention to the facts about heart health:
. Cardiovascular disease is the leading global cause of death, accounting for 17.3 million deaths per year, a number that is expected to grow to more than 23.6 million by 2030.

. Nearly 787,000 people in the U.S. died from heart disease, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases in 2011. That’s about one of every three deaths in America.

. Cardiovascular diseases claim more lives than all forms of cancer combined.

. Someone in the U.S. dies from heart disease about once every 90 seconds.

. Cardiovascular disease claims the lives nearly 500,000 women in the US each year.

Now in its 13th year, Go Red for Women has made advances in addressing CVD among women:
. 21% fewer women are dying from heart disease

. 23% more women aware that it’s their # 1 health threat

. Publishing of gender-specific results, established differences in symptoms and responses to medications and women-specific guidelines for prevention and treatment now takes place

. Legislation to help end gender disparities is in place

Individuals, organizations and businesses can participate in National Go Red Day by:
. Wearing red on Friday, February 5, 2016, National Wear Red Day.

. Turning social media profiles/pages red using the Red Dress image.

. Sharing photos and information on social media with #GoRed.

. Coordinating to have offices/buildings “go red” by lighting it with red bulbs/filters.

. Sharing American Heart Association/Go Red materials with friends, family and colleagues.

. Participating in #GoRedMercato at the Mercato shops in Naples.

For more information on National Wear Red Day and the Heart Association’s Go Red for Women® campaign, please visit www.GoRedForWomen.org. Go Red is nationally sponsored by Macy’s. Local Cause sponsors include Lee Memorial Health System and Arthrex.

About the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association
The American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association are devoted to saving people from heart disease and stroke – America’s No. 1 and No. 4 killers. We team with millions of volunteers to fund innovative research, fight for stronger public health policies, and provide lifesaving tools and information to prevent and treat these diseases. The Dallas-based American Heart Association is the nation’s oldest and largest voluntary organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke. The American Stroke Association is a division of the American Heart Association. To learn more or to get involved, call 239.495.4903, visit swflgored.ahaevents.org or call any of our offices around the country. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.