Positively Changing Lives

Mind Body and Soul

By Theo and Ganine and Jessica Hicks, Fort Myers Fred Astaire Dance Studio
SWF Health and Wellness MagazineDancing bridges the gap encompassing our mind, body and soul and is unique in the way that it enhances lives. We are gifted in our opportunity to work with all ages of people from all walks of life, everyone searching for the shared goal of becoming a better dancer.

The Benefits are Many

When you take a private dance lesson, your mind is challenged to bridge the gap between the body and brain. Taking up a new, cognitively demanding activity such as ballroom dancing is likely to boost processing speed, strengthen synapses, and expand or create functional networks in the brain as well as the obvious body benefits. Dancing is also an aerobic activity that makes us feel good! Prolonged, continuous exercise increases production and release of endorphins.

Endorphins are neurotransmitters found in the brain that have pain-relieving properties similar to morphine. In simple terms, endorphins make us feel good. Dance is therapy because it enhances our feeling of well-being. The most gratifying part of our profession is the positive changes we witness in the people we teach. Just this week, one of our newer students informed us that he had lost 22 pounds since the first of this year. Dancing and a healthier diet had transformed his life. Now, both he and his wife are glowing, engaged with each other and sharing a passion for dance.

Fall in Love All Over Again

So often we see new couples busy, raising children, or recently empty-nesters who have been married for years but seem to have lost each other in the routine of everyday life. By taking Ballroom and Latin dance instruction, a reconnect often takes place and couples fall in love all over again. They remember why they first were attracted to each other and often find that love the second time can be even better than the first.

All of a sudden they are touching, holding hands, moving as one on the dance floor and enjoying each others company while embarking on a new and shared, passionate hobby. If more couples would continue to court each other and find shared hobbies together we would see a huge drop in failed marriages. We all need to take time for each other and dancing is a great communicator. We have seen couples come to the studio in the middle of a tiff and forget all about it after holding each other in dance position and letting the music and movement melt their cares away. The human connection is essential for a healthy existence and music is said to ‘tame the wild beast.’ so what better way to rekindle the romance than on the dance floor.

Free Private Lesson

Please come in for a free private lesson and see for yourself how dancing can positively change your life.

Call the Fred Astaire Dance Studio of Fort Myers at 239-939-1517, or visit our website at www.fortmyersfredastaire.com.

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