NIKKEN – Total Wellness is Within Reach

NIKKEN - Total Wellness is Within ReachThe human body is an extremely complex system made up of over 100 trillion cells. All it takes is just one neglected abnormal cell to endanger the entire system. To sustain optimal wellness, all of our cells require the following to be healthy:

• Good quality water in adequate amount to support circulation, deliver oxygen and nutrients, and to eliminate wastes (opportunity for disease
arises when the immune system lacks needed supplies or is encumbered by toxins)

• Energized air, like that of a beach or forest, to  enable cellular power generation

• Proper sleep, in quantity and quality, for the body to repair and regenerate cells

• Whole food supplements to fill gaps in modern diets and completely nourish cells

• Full spectrum of nature’s energy (magnetic, ionic and infra-red), day and night

Thanks to the development and research behind Nikken, the world’s only total wellness company, each of these necessities are available in the highest quality. Nikken’s Wellness Home Lifestyle provides the perfect means for urgently needed self-care health options. The fabric of modern society is threatened by potential break down of a healthcare system overburdened with management of diseases mostly traced to poor lifestyle and a contaminated environment. Thoughtful individuals welcome the option of natural healing and prevention, leaving doctors and nurses to care for those more critically ill.

Nikken not only provides you with the products to achieve and maintain total wellness, it also allows you the flexibility and unlimited opportunity to achieve financial security. As an independent consultant you can earn extra money part-time, or develop a new career. Build your own business and create a steady source of income.

Life as an Independent Nikken Consultant gives you the freedom to live as you wish, earn as much as you deserve and, most importantly, make a difference in the world, helping others reach and sustain total wellness.

In 1975 Nikken was created to offer people everywhere a better way to live through the vision of Humans Being More. Nikken founders recognize that optimal wellness depends on reaching and maintaining the five pillars of health — healthy mind, body, family, society and finances. Achieving balance in all five pillars can help produce a more satisfying, healthy and productive lifestyle. Nikken’s Mission Statement, to inspire individuals to discover a whole new way of life and provide them the opportunity to live it by changing their lives through improved health and financial well-being. Anyone can achieve this balance and optimal health through the products and business opportunity available with Nikken.

For more information about Nikken products or opportunities please contact Fay Lynne Huang at 941-228-8365 or visit today!

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