Florida integrative medical center (FLIMC) has an exciting brain health and restoration program which incorporates brain mapping and neurofeedback integrated with its many other therapies. Mapping identifies dysfunctional brainwave patterns and neurofeedback three trains the brain back into normal healthy patterns.
The program is helpful for improving a variety of neurological conditions such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, ADD, ADHD, ADHD brain fog, memory loss, dementia, concussions, traumatic brain injury, and seizures.
Dr. Peter File oversees the neurofeedback program at FLIMC and has successfully helped many patients restore more normal brainwave activity to reduce or resolve their neurological symptoms.
We caught up with Dr. File to find out more about this restorative therapy.
Q: Dr. File would you please tell us more about brain mapping and neurofeedback?
A: Yes, brain mapping is a way to look at brainwave activity using quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) to identify normal versus abnormal brainwave patterns. There are for basic brainwave frequency patterns that we look at; Delta waves are the slowest waves and the associated with deep sleep. Theta waves are faster and associated with light sleep, dreaming, and emotions. Alpha waves are quicker and are dominant during our awake state when we are very relaxed, and Beta waves are even faster and associated with our awake and active state of mind.
Brain mapping and neurofeedback have been around since the 1960s; over the years, researchers have evaluated thousands of brain scans and have compared them with patients’ symptoms to distinguish between normal healthy patterns and abnormal, dysfunctional brain waves. Nero feedback uses operant conditioning techniques to guide to bring back into normal healthy patterns and retains it to remain in this pattern.
The brain has let’s card “neural plasticity,” which means the ability to change its brainwave patterns by growing new neurons to conduct an electrical activity along with new pathways. Traumas are the most common cause for the brain to shift from normal to abnormal patterns. The traumas can be physical in nature such as a concussion, mental or emotional from chronic emotional traumas, metabolic or chemical from inflammation, infections, and toxicities. Because this neural plasticity is present at any age, the brain can learn to shift its brainwave patterns back to normal healthy patterns. Neurofeedback is an excellent way to help restore normal brain function.
Q: Please describe a typical brain mapping and neurofeedback session.
A: For brain mapping, a cap with numerous electrodes is placed on the head and connected to the scalp with a non-toxic paste. The patient is asked to relax and close their eyes other brain waves are recorded. There is no pain or discomfort associated with the mapping.
The second half of the mapping is done with the patient in a relaxed state with their eyes open. The whole process takes approximately 45 minutes. Once the results are tabulated, I contact the results. Based on the findings and the intensity of the patient’s symptoms, the patient can then decide if they’re interested in neurofeedback training.
For neurofeedback, two electrodes are attached to the scalp using a paste and are located in specific areas based on the findings of the brain mapping. The patient then relaxes and watches a prerecorded movie, documentary, or a TV show of their choice. There is no pain or discomfort with Neurofeedback. When the brain slips into a dysfunctional brainwave pattern, they will notice the picture fading and the sound diminishing. The brain tries to restore the picture and sound by shifting its brainwave state. When it goes into a healthy normal pattern, the picture and sound return. This is called operant conditioning and is a safe and effective way of gently guiding the brain back into a healthy pattern.
The patient may also wear a pair of special glasses, which have flashing lights that flicker at a frequency based on the neural feedback protocol. This is called neural entrainment. Each neurofeedback session last 30 minutes.
Q: How many sessions are necessary?
A: Twenty to forty sessions. They can be done daily or weekly. Most people start to see some improvement in their symptoms within 5 to 6 sessions. Additional sessions are needed for the brain to learn to hold your normal brainwave pattern. This allows time for new neurons to grow to reinforce healthy patterns.
Q: What makes the FLIMC neurofeedback program unique?
A: First and foremost, the Neurofeedback program is integrated into other diagnostic and integrative programs offered by the clinic. The brain interacts with the rest of the body. When a patient has inflammation, infection, toxicities, or metabolic conditions causing their bodily symptoms this affects the brain. The “gut” (gastrointestinal system) is often called the second brain because it has an abundance of neurons Second only to the brain. So, treating G.I. problems has a positive effect on the brain; and vice versa, restoring brain help helps detoxify the rest of the body.
Second, is the Neurofeedback equipment used at FLIMC. We feel the Clear Mind Neuro Integration System is the best available technology on the market and is updated regularly. In addition to its excellent brain mapping and neurofeedback capabilities, its algorithms help interpret the data. Questionnaires are available in the system to allow patients to provide their subjective symptoms. Comparing their subjective symptoms with the objective finding is very helpful for patient understanding. Neural entrainment, using the glasses with flashing lights reinforces the training sessions.
Finally, this system also offers a portable home unit that can be used by patients that have difficulty coming into the office on a frequent basis.
Q: How did you become interested in neurofeedback?
A: In my previous practice I used biofeedback to help patients learn to relax their minds and their nervous system. When I met Dr. Monhollon, and I learned about the neurofeedback program, I was immediately interested and began learning more about it. After training, in interpreting brain maps, I started working with patients. The results have been excellent, and my interaction with patients has been very rewarding.
Q: What is the one thing you want people to know about neurofeedback?
A: Neurological conditions are prevalent in our society, and most are treated with medications. The medications, however, only treat symptoms and require long-term medication use. These medications can be hard on the body because they not only have side effects but also need to be detoxified out of the body on a regular basis, which puts a strain on and often overburdened immune system. Neurofeedback is it a safe, relaxing, and effective short-term program that can often help patients feel better and reduce or eliminate the need for medication.
Dr. Peter M. File, DO
Dr. File is an osteopathic physician who has worked with patients with chronic conditions for over 30 years. In his role overseeing the neurofeedback program at FLIMC, Dr. File has an extensive medical background along with
his counseling programs to help patients achieve their goals. His understanding of the mind, body, spirit interaction is extremely helpful in guiding patients toward new levels of health.
Getting Well & Staying Healthy Naturally is the philosophy of practice that has earned Florida Integrative Medical Center (FLIMC) the reputation as the premier destination for holistic and integrative health care on the Gulf Coast.
Florida Integrative Medical Center treats the full spectrum of chronic health conditions including: aging, chronic viral illness, immune system regeneration, autoimmune conditions, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and more. Our diagnostic and treatment services help to promote healthier cells and tissues for a better quality of life by improving energy and promoting overall wellbeing.
To find out more about Florida Integrative Medical Center or to schedule an appointment please contact them today at (941) 955-6220.
(941) 955-6220 | flimc.com
2415 University Pkwy, Suite 218
Sarasota FL 34243