Muscle Activation TechniquES What it is and is MAT for me?

By Jay Weitzner, MS, MATs, RTS

Muscle Activation In the February issue of Health & Wellness we described what MAT is.  We explained how when you participate in activities with both legs only one leg may hurt.  We spoke about how symptoms are nothing more than evidence that something else is wrong.  A symptom, after all, can only exist if something causes it to exist – no cause, no symptom.  We spoke about how giving a name to your discomfort does nothing to explain why it’s there.  Knowing the tendon is inflamed and hurts and calling it tennis elbow or tendonitis, doesn’t even begin to explain why you have it.  It just gives a title to the discomfort you felt before you knew what it was called.  If you want to reread that article, you can find it here:

So is MAT for you?  Having a better idea of what it is and how it works may help you decide.  Hearing about some specific MAT cases may help you even more.

Real Client #1:   Martha
Martha is a 63 years of age attorney of excellent health until being in a car accident in 2011.  Since the accident she experienced back pain 100% of the time.  She was unable to lie flat on her back with pain.  She hadn’t slept in her bed for years and was only able to sleep on her sofa propped up against the back.  She shuffled when she walked and moved like an out of shape of person.  After trying chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, multiple stretching methods and pain medications, her doctor said it’s time for surgery.

They had tried everything but Martha still had pain.   The x-rays showed nothing.  The MRI showed nothing.  No one could help her and everyone continued to treat her symptoms.  They tried stretching and massaging her to relieve the tightness (tight-ness is a symptom).  They offered her shots to reduce the pain (pain is a symptom).  Martha was a phone call away from scheduling surgery when she found MAT.  Today she is about 95% pain free according to her own estimates.  With MAT I identified the muscles that were not working, I reactivated them and her symptoms went away.  Hearing how she was able to carry her nephew through an airport on trip was great news.

Real Client #2:  Paul
Paul is 52 years of age with back pain for 20 years.  After years of trying everything to treat his pain from chiropractic to prolotherapy to massage and stretching and physical therapy he grew depressed.  He was given a series of steroid injections to help deal with his pain.  While the injections offered some relief for a short time they ultimately complicated matters by causing him to gain weight.  Paul used to play football in high school and remained active his entire life until his pain became too great.  Paul grew concerned about his situation was because his MRI had shown some structural damage.  He was afraid that the structural damage was what was causing his pain.  Through MAT he learned, and more importantly experienced, how structural damage is not always the cause of pain.  Everyone Paul saw continued to address his symptom.  Whenever they found a tight muscle they tried to do something to get it to relax.  If you recall from the February MAT article, tight muscles are a symptom – they are the result of other muscles not working.  Once I identified the muscles in Paul’s body that were inhibited I activated them and his symptoms dissipated.

Real Client #3:  Jeff
Jeff is 48 years old. When he first came to see me, he couldn’t bend over to tie his shoes, he had to lift his leg in order to reach his foot. Even simple every day tasks became impossible. When driving his vehicle, he couldn’t reach over his shoulder to put on his seat belt.  Like all the other cases, Jeff tried everything.  After MAT, Jeff has no mobility issues and is pain free.  MAT allowed me to discover the root cause of the problem and do more than simply chase the pain. Using this treatment option the muscles in Jeff’s body that had shut down were revealed and activated.

These clients are a small sample of the people helped in this past month alone. Other cases include clients who tried surgery without relief and tennis players with shoulder, spine, hip, shin and foot issues. The thing each of them had in common was that they all had symptoms that were being treated instead of causes.  Don’t chase pain.  Find the cause with MAT and eliminate the pain for good.
