By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities

Are you ready for some basketball – the NCAA tournaments and finals that occur every March? This is what the term “March Madness” means to many people these days. But what about the March madnesses that are happening in your life and mine right now, like illnesses, deaths, transitions, family stresses, broken promises, and failing expectations? Yes, these too are parts of life for all of us.

MARCH MADNESS or GLADNESSAuthor Fred Bueckner puts it his way:  ”Life happens between the sad nesses of life and the glad nesses of life!” The good news in all of this for us is to know and sense that our Lord provides far more glad nesses in and through us than mad nesses, if we only look for them and see them! Take a look around you right now and see the glad nesses of new friends and old; of being able to live another day, even with a new ache or issue with which to deal; of a smile on a child’s face and a wag of a friendly pup; of some good news from a family member; of a word of “way to go” from a close friend; of an act of forgiveness from someone who has wronged you; and of even the chance to watch all that NCAA basketball this month, even if your team doesn’t make the Final Four!

I believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence in life. A coincidence is something that happens when God wants to remain anonymous! Through our glad times and our sad times, our Lord is alive and well and living and working through us, for our good.

This is why I am so excited about the new property getting ready to be built in Naples called The Arlington of Naples! It will be a community of older adults who will continue to live through daily glad nesses and sad nesses while at the same time will be a place where the glad nesses are emphasized as the sad nesses are being dealt with in positive and affirming ways. Our theme, “Live Brightly” is not only a tagline, it is our vision and emphasis of living a glad-filled life in the midst of the realities of life.

Come check us out. Bring your glad nesses and your sad nesses with you so we can be of help and support through your various transitions and decisions. May this March be one of many more glad nesses than sad nesses for you as you cheer on your favorite NCAA team, already knowing that you are a winner in the eyes of our Lord!


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