Luck is When Opportunity and Preparation Come Together

Luck is When Opportunity and Preparation Come TogetherYou know the old saying, “if you love what you do you will never work a day in your life”

Jill Greber loves what she does, she loves who she is, she loves what her friends have been able to accomplish, and she loves how many people she’s been able to help over the years. This makes her one of the lucky few.

Jill was the successful owner of a corporate health coaching organization. Her company motivated and educated groups of employees on how to be less stressed, more productive, and overall healthier. In 2007 Jill found a health program called Take Shape for Life(TSFL), and she wanted to incorporate this in her corporate coaching. As part of the Take Shape for Life education it was recommended that she get on program and try it for herself. Not only did she learn about the TSFL program she also started dropping excess weight at a remarkable rate. “There has got to be something to this, I lost 30 pounds in six weeks just learning about the program, and implementing it in my life, so that I could recommend and coach my corporate clients to health and becoming more productive in all parts of their lives utilizing this comprehensive program.” Says Jill.

Jill was intrigued, she started learning more about the TSFL complete program and because of her love for helping others she became active in Health Coach development. In 2008 when the economy started to slow many of the extra benefit programs that companies were offering were being phased out, including the health programs Jill was coaching on. This was a blessing in disguise, as the corporate clients started to lessen, Jill noticed her Take Shape for Life client base and coaches were increasing. “When 2008 hit and the corporate clients started to stall. I said thank goodness for the TSFL program, and sat out the recession. With the economy crunch and the changes in healthcare, people needed to start taking better care of their health. The Take Shape for Life program made a lot of sense to these people and my clientele started growing quickly.”

Take Shape for Life as part of your physician’s care plan
As Jill’s clients started losing weight and getting healthy their passion for the program grew. Jill enrolled her successful clients into the coaching program and her coaching team started going National. Then a remarkable thing started to happen, some might say it was “LUCK” if you know Jill you know better. As local medical professionals became clients and were losing weight, they started recommending the program to their patients. Local physicians were starting to incorporate the TSFL program into their practices. Jill saw an opportunity to bring her corporate health experience and her TSFL experience together in a whole new market. By training a staff member in the local physician’s office to be a Certified Health Coach that practice could now treat their patients diseases with diet, exercise and a healthy outlook on nutrition, in a structured and organized comprehensive program.

This was the missing piece of the pie for some physicians. Every physician will tell you if you want to be healthy; “Lose weight and exercise.” Then they let you out into the world to figure out how to do just that. By incorporating the Take Shape for Life program into their practice they are now able to offer a structured program that is easy and proven for their patients. Jill is now building a network of physician practices that not only offer the traditional medical care but also a program to help their patients lose weight, reduce stress and get healthy, while learning the Habits of Health to keep the weight off for good.

If you believe it was just LUCK and Jill was just in the right place at the right time, then there are literally thousands of people who will say thank goodness for luck. So many people are thinner, fitter and healthier because of Jill’s good luck.

Jill is the owner and CEO of Wellformance, Inc., She holds a B.B.A. from the University of Miami, is a graduate of the “Take Action Training”, and holds certifications as a Performance Coach, Experiential Facilitative Coach, Health Coach and Mentor Coach. She is a speaker and co-author and an associate member of The American Institute of Stress.

If you would like to learn more about Jill’s new program or would like to just shed a few of those extra pounds visit her at or call her directly 941-302-3613