By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities –

dishwashingA recent study by a neurology research group confirms the value of any and all types of physical activities to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. “Washing the dishes” was right up there at the top of the list, along with cooking, cleaning, walking, aerobics, and golfing (but without a cart!). The Mayo Clinic confirms this study with their own research that adds that a combination of moderate exercise and mental stimulation through computer use can also reduce memory loss.

To some, these results may seem to be stating the obvious, but they do reinforce the fact that for us older adults, keeping active in mind, body, and spirit sure does add quality and value to the aging process. These are encouraging words for all of us, even if we do not enjoy doing the dishes!

As you have no doubt heard, the number of older adults using the computer, e-mail, Facebook, and even texting, continues to increase. As a matter of fact, the age segment of people over 75 has the largest percentage of new computer users in the U.S. This is most certainly an encouraging sign as long as we mix our “sitting time” at the computer with more energizing and body stretching activities. I know a couple who has fallen into a non-healthy routine of e-mailing each other regularly while sitting in their offices, which happen to be located only a few steps away from each other! Perhaps they need to meet each other in the kitchen, to do dishes, of course! (I’ll suggest this to Hazel, my wife!)

Blending physical activities and mental exercises allows us to “Live Brightly!” It does not mean that our aches and pains will vanish and that we will “live happily ever after”, but it does mean that we will be able to live a life more abundantly in the Lord …and have more fun doing it! It does mean that we can become more aware of the brightness of life each day and become more alive as we share this brightness with others!

The new Lutheran Life Communities property being developed within the award winning master-planned community, Lely Resort, located in Naples, will provide this marvelous mix of body, mind and spirit living! “The Arlington” of Naples will empower vibrant, Grace-filled living across all generations by providing multitudes of choices for the residents, as well as for visiting family and friends.

So enjoy the brightness of living lively in the Lord, each and every day. And even if you don’t like washing the dishes, go out and wash someone’s dog, or do the windows, or take a hike. As a matter of fact, perhaps the best exercise of all is to walk daily…. with the Lord! He’s right there with you, raring to go!

The Arlington Information and Model Center
12276 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 501
Naples, Florida 34113
(239) 206-2646, (866) 986-9690.