June is “Men’s Health Month”, are you taking care of yourself!

By Ulla-Undine Merritt (Dee) National Producer Number (NPN) 8853366

are you taking care of yourselfBoys love their mom’s and grow up to be men who take care of and provide for their families.  Men get so caught up on providing for others that they often don’t find time for themselves.  The key to good health is taking care of yourself, prevention is key. Preventive services covered under the Affordable Care Act, these services are covered at NO CHARGE.

*15 Covered Preventive Services for Adults
1. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm – one-time screening for men of specified ages who have ever smoked
2. Alcohol Misuse – screening and counseling
3. Aspirin – use for men and women of certain ages
4. Blood Pressure – screening for all adults
5. Cholesterol – screening for adults of certain ages or at higher risk
6. Colorectal Cancer – screening for adults over 50
7. Depression – screening for adults
8. Type 2 Diabetes – screening for adults with high blood pressure
9. Diet – counseling for adults at higher risk for chronic disease
10. HIV – screening for all adults at higher risk
11. Immunization – vaccines for adults–doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary:
– Hepatitis A
– Hepatitis B
– Herpes Zoster
– Human Papillomavirus
– Influenza (Flu Shot)
– Measles, Mumps, Rubella
– Meningococcal
– Pneumococcal
– Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis
– Varicella
Learn more about immunizations and see the latest vaccine schedules.
12. Obesity – screening and counseling for all adults
13. Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) – prevention counseling for adults at higher risk
14. Tobacco Use – screening for all adults and cessation interventions for tobacco users
15. Syphilis – screening for all adults at higher risk

Children and women have other covered services as well.

Once you have your health insurance in place, it is important to take care of the other protections you need to provide for yourself and your family.  Disability Insurance and Life Insurance, both of these insurances are based on your age and health, so the younger you are when you purchase them is always best.  Disability Insurance is a form of insurance that insures your earned income against risk of a disability. There are two types of Disability Insurance; Short Term Disability or Long Term Disability, to determine what is best for you will depend on your risk tolerance (how long can you afford to be without income). When purchasing Disability Insurance it is important to find out if it is a true own occupation policy, this is very important especially if you have a very specific talent that earns you a high income.   Life Insurance is meant to provide money to take care of expenses when you pass or to leave a legacy.  Life Insurance is also used in Financial Planning, because of its favorable tax treatment and other benefits such as cash accumulation in some policies.  Many times people buy Life Insurance and when the term of the policy runs out they want to continue it, then they find out the cost is way too much either because of their age or new health conditions. Some permanent life insurance is always recommended.  Annual reviews are important or at a minimum as your needs change.

Also remember when moving, getting married or divorced, adding to your family, to check your wills, trusts, and make sure they follow Florida’s laws and guidelines. Establish yourself with a local attorney, CPA, Financial Planner / Insurance Agent.  An annual review is very important. Too many times people assume, don’t assume.  Ask a professional, most of the time your first consultation is at no charge.

To learn more schedule an appointment contact:
Logical Insurance Solutions
Dee Merritt