Do you see life as a glass of water half-filled or half-empty?

By Dr. Rich Bimler, Lutheran Life Communities –

FEAR OR FESTIVEI know a person who is so pessimistic that he not only sees life as a glass being half-filled, he even believes that the water in the glass is polluted!

My hope and prayer for you is that you see February as a month and a time to be Festive in all that you do, even in the midst of all of the Fears around us. It is tough “out there”. There are so many worries, woes, and wars that surround us. Whether it is unemployment, underemployment, global conflicts, barriers between family members, illness, and for some, even a sense that it sure would be nice to return to the “good old days”!

But guess what? This day in this February of 2013 is a “good new day” for you and for me! We can proclaim that because we know that in the midst of all of our pain, pressures, and pouts, the Lord is still there, leading and guiding us through our travails and trials.

A friend of mine once gave me a coffee mug that was inscribed with the words, “Life is hard, and then you die!” What a way to start your day with a cup of coffee with those words staring at you! My friend John saw life through the lens of “Fear” rather than through the cross and the resurrection of a Lord that loves and forgives, and gives us a “Festive” life in Him!

Come to think of it, perhaps I need to start hanging around more festive-filled people, because I also know a guy who likes to state: “In case of an accident, I’m not surprised!”

So, again, let me ask you, do you see life as a glass half-full or half-empty? If today you say “half-full”, continue to see the blessings and gifts that the Lord is providing you. Continue to live out a festive life by sharing joy and smiles and hope with others. Continue to help fill the glasses of those around you who still see their glasses as being half-empty!

If you answer this question by saying “half-empty”, seek the company and presence of someone in your life who will listen to you. Find someone in your neighborhood who perhaps is also struggling with purpose and meaning in life. See how you might bring a word of hope and encouragement to someone who also has the “half-full’ view of life! Perhaps it also might help to not listen to the local or national news for a few days so that you are not overcome by all of the deaths and disasters happening around you.

Aging daily in this world is all about attitude towards life. That is why the Arlington of Naples is so convinced that our new retirement facility in the Lely Resort will bring vibrant, grace-filled living across all generations to people like you. The Arlington is committed to helping people see life, not as a “half-full” experience, but as a “living life to the full” experience, because of a Lord who loves and forgives, and fills our lives with festive possibilities, right in the midst of our half-full world !

By the way, I do have one more friend who really does understand life to the full. His favorite statement is to say, “My goal in life is to live forever; and so far, so good!”

What is your February Forecast?
I pray for Festive over Fear, every time!

THE ARLINGTON – www.ArlingtonNaples.org